Trans Shardy + refs - Part 2 💡🎲

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CW: Gender dysphoria depictions

Twenty - (image 1)

inspo: same as Black Jack and Xana but with a Four AI instead of an X one

Twenty is a chill Algebralien who can be relaxed and friendly around many other Algebraliens, even tolerating Black Jack's ego to an extent.

He is related to Fourteen, but he doesn't tolerate Fourteen's actions, for the fact that said actions are a major threat, and that Fourteen's insanity caused him to get squished by a corkboard.

They didn't die from the incident, albeit became the Algebralien version of Flat Stanley. They seek for Fourteen in an attempt to break his insanity.

Inspos (design-wise): Fourteen, Flat Stanley, and Tortilla (Taco's father in II Pre-K)

II Pre-K is by inkydavinky  !

K (also known as Kay) - (images 2 and 3)

It is someone who loves history more than math and knows that not all Algebraliens want math in their lives or associated with them.

K is very generous and is willing to share historical facts for anyone who wishes to listen to them.

He is also seen sometimes as a source of help and comfort. He is wise and offers the best advice he can. They serve as a therapist, particularly because of that.

But K is not a complete no-nonsense character either. It enjoys being a goofball sometimes, too. It is an expert at some pranks. It's not as good as some others are with those, but it tries its best.

Image context for [images] 4 and 5.

(CW: this contains topics of gender dysphoria and the fear of not being accepted.)
Viewer discretion is advised.

Shardy Glass looks in the mirror. For the past few days, they haven't been themselves - heck, they're not sure what "themselves" would be, but it's most certainly not a boy.

They fear telling anyone, because they'll most certainly be shunned - or so they think.

How would anyone react to them wanting to be a girl?

came up with this based on a clip from a WatchMojo video about children's/young audience shows that tackle serious topics (inspo in question being a character coming out as gay)
I'll admit, some of the things hit me right in the heart (/srs) but that is a story for possibly another time.

Dismissing that, Shardy is trans.

She's trans.



(Sorry if you can't see most of the second line of emojis 😞)

That is all for now.

Word total: 418

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