Clint (How you Met)

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You never really liked where you grew up, it was always too quiet. No one ever did anything crazy, every person who lived in your town did the same things every day, without fail. You felt trapped. The day after your 23rd birthday, you were fed up. All the busybody old ladies were trying to set you up with people you hated, and you father was asking about when you would bring a boy home. You were done. Within the month you had packed your bags and set off for a new start. Somewhere that you could be yourself but stay off the radar from anyone who wanted to get in the way.

Your new apartment was small, but doable. With one bedroom and one bathroom, a small kitchen with connected living space. You knew it was cliché, moving to New York, but you couldn't help it, you loved it here.

After a summer of living on your own, with no friends, a job at the local grocery store, and having to live pay check to pay check, you were tired. About four months into living in New York, a knock slammed on your door.

"Hello, sorry to bother you, but do you happen to get the newspapers daily?" A handsome man asked.

Assuming he was a salesman, you lie, "Everyday, sir, but I don't read them much. It is more a habit that I got into at home." You chuckle and smile in the direction of your kitchen.

"May I borrow the most recent one please? I hear it has a very interesting article about last years events." You immediately knew what he was talking about, the battle of New York, just then you realize who it is.

"Barton? Agent Barton, nicknamed Hawkeye. That's you? Oh my gosh, you helped defend our country. Wow, this is incredible, do you live in this building?" You hear yourself rambling, and attempt to calm down, but you feel your excitement growing.

"Yes, I live next door. Well, since we are both neighbours and you know my name. Can I ask yours?" Barton half smiles.

"(y/n)" you smile, "If it isn't too much to ask, could we, maybe, get together sometime and get to know each other better?" You blush.

"Tonight, pick you up at 7." He says while walking away.

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