Captain America (Adorable)

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Your heart was full as you sat across from Steve, his arms on the table, leaning in, listening to you talk about your day. You loved these little date nights that he planned, they were always so relaxed. Today he took decided to do something a bit different. He told you to be ready by 7, and he sent you a beautiful tea length light pink dress. You weren't one to wear pink very often, but the soft pink he had chosen fit you so well, you couldn't help but smile at yourself in the mirror. It looked so classic, so simple, and yet it made you feel like the most beautiful woman in the world, then again, someone else may have something to do with that.

At 7 sharp a someone knocked on your door. You smiled, and walked to your door, opening it you saw Steve, dressed in a navy blue suit, grey tie, and matching shoes. He held a dozen light pink roses that perfectly matched your dress. Your heart melted at the sight, and you couldn't help the giggle that escaped your lips. He smiled, looking at your dress, it complimented your hair perfectly.

"Let me put these in a vase before we go." you grabbed the flowers and walked over to the kitchen in search for your grandma's old crystal vase. You found it tucked behind your drinking glasses, filled it with water and put the roses in it.

You could feel Steve's eyes still on you, turning around you saw the wonder in his eyes.

"Is everything okay?" You laughed.

"You look amazing!" He pulled you close to him and kissed you.

He pulled apart way to soon for your liking, so you went in to kiss him again but he pulled away. "We have to go if we're gonna make our reservation." He said, almost sadly.

The two of you walked outside, you looked around for his bike, but you couldn't see it anywhere. The only vehicle around was a white convertible, Steve slowly walked you towards it, and opened the passenger door.

"What's this? No bike tonight?" You asked slightly sad.

He laughed lightly as he got in the driver's seat. "Well, I figured that taking the bike, with you in a dress, was probably a bad idea, so I asked Stark if he had a car I could borrow." And with that, the two of you were off, the wind in your hair and Steve's hand in yours, you couldn't help but smile.


When you got to the restaurant, Steve hopped out of the car and opened your door for you. You always felt awkward when he did this, but you always let him, it was how he was raised and what he was used to. Holding the door open for you, he placed his arm around your waist, and lead you to the maître d'hôtel. The man led the two of you to a table in the back corner, it was slightly secluded from the rest of the restaurant.

Steve had arranged for a bottle of Champagne, and had already pre-ordered your favourite dinner. Watching him as he fiddled with his tie, smiling like a little kid, you couldn't help but laugh.

"What?" He blushed.

"You're adorable!" You smile, laughing harder.

"Um...thank you? I guess." He stopped for a moment and stared into your eyes. "Wait, why?"

"This." You gesture around you. "It's too much, and yet you don't care. It's adorable."

"You think it's too much?" Steve looks down. "I just wanted to do something fun, just the two of us. Something romantic. If it's too much we can go." He tried to sound okay with leaving, but his eyes betrayed him.

You reach your hand over the table to him and smile. "It's perfect."

He looks up, "Are you sure? I don't want you to feel-"

You stood up and walked over to him, crouching down, and putting your hand on his leg. "This is perfect." You stand up and kiss his forehead. "But you're still adorable!" You laugh and head back over to your chair.

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