Thor (He Meets Your Parents)

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A/N: This is part 69 hehehe. That is all, enjoy!

"Mom, relax. He's my boyfriend, you don't have to stress out so much." You tried calming your mother as she paced around the room. You knew your attempts would be fruitless seeing as your mom was obsessed with Thor. She had been head over heels for the man since the battle of New York, and neither of you ever expected that either of you would ever end up meeting him. And here you were, dating the man!

"He's a god, (y/n)! He's not just your boyfriend. He's royalty, for heaven's sake!" She adjusted her blouse for the umpteenth time.

You grinned slyly before walking over to her, "Don't you mean Asgard's sake?" You nudged her arm as her eyes went wide and she let out a half-laugh.

She was practically shaking in anticipation, "Now is not the time for jokes, (y/n). He's going to be here any minute and look at your apartment! It looks like a war zone." She gestured around to the pile of clothes on the floor, seemingly forgetting that she threw them there about an hour prior while she was trying to find something for you to wear.

"Mom, please! I promise he's not even going to notice the clothes on the floor, that you threw there might I add." You pushed her to sit on your bed. "He's equally as nervous to meet you as you are to meet him, I promise."

With all the strength she could muster, she stood up and started cleaning the clothes on the floor. As she picked up the pile and started sorting them to put them away, you got a text on your phone. The number wasn't Thor's, though he had a cell phone, he didn't know how to text and only used it for phone calls. No, this text was from Loki, who was very well-versed in all technology from around the universe. Loki tended to be the one who texted you when Thor needed to get a hold of you but knew that a phone call would be too much effort for you.

Thor should be outside your door in about 2 minutes. He just took the Bifrost down to the park and said he would walk up to your place. *eye roll emoji*

You smiled at the obvious annoyance Loki was feeling and made your way to the door. Sure enough, a couple of minutes later you saw Thor walk out of the elevator. He looked disgruntled and full of nerves.

"Hey hot stuff," You smiled at him and pulled him in for a hug. Your mom was still blissfully unaware of his arrival. "My mom is excited to meet you. She has been buzzing all morning. She threw half of my closet on the floor before finding anything for me to wear."

Thor chuckled but remained nervous, fidgeting with the strap of Mjilnor, "Well, she has great taste. You look amazing."

"Funnily enough, this is what I was wearing when she got here." You laughed as you told him to sit in the living room while you got your mom.

"What do you mean he's here already?!?" Your mom whispered loud enough that you were sure Thor would be able to hear.

Taking the last of the clothes out of her hands, you threw them onto the bed, "Come on mom, just come meet him. He's just a normal guy. Yes, sure he's a god from a different planet, but he's honestly just very laid back. You're going to love him."

The two of you made your way out of your bedroom and over to the living room. Thor sat on the couch fiddling with the edge of a couch cushion. As soon as he heard your footsteps, he got up. Your mom immediately turned bright red as he turned his focus toward her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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