Tony Stark (He Meets Your Parents)

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"It's not like you haven't met her before, you did have a function at her inn, remember. That's how we met in the first place." You laughed, leaning into his side as you waited for your mom to open the door.

"Yes, but that was before we were dating. This is different. It's like meeting her all over again." Tony justified as he grew more and more jittery.

"Oh my gosh, you sound like my grandparents." You sighed, exasperatedly rolling your eyes. "Come on, relax. It's just my mom and her boyfriend. Trust me, my mom is the nicest. You already know this, just take a deep breath and hold my hand. I promise it will all be-" Just as you were about to finish your sentence, your mom opened the door.

"(y/n)! Tony! Come in, come in! James is cooking dinner right now, in the meantime I made coffee." Your mom buzzed around Tony, taking his jacket and looking him over in an approving manner. Ushering us to follow her, she practically dragged us into the kitchen before placing coffee cups in our hands.

As we settled with the mugs in our hands, James wrapped an arm around my shoulders in welcome, extending a hand to Tony, "Nice to see you again, Mr. Stark. I hope you like chicken." James smiled, pulling away from you and heading back over to the oven.

Tony nodded towards James, "Chicken is always good."

"I tried to get him to make burgers, but he is trying to get me to eat less red meat. I swear that man is attempting to make me become a vegetarian." Your mom joked, absolutely beaming as she wrapped her free arm around your shoulders, sipping on her coffee.

Your laugh rang through the kitchen, "Yeah, that'll happen when you stop drinking coffee." Your mom burst into laughter, followed by James, and shortly the three of you were in a full-on laughing fit.

Awkwardly, Tony stood silently in the entrance to the kitchen. His face pulled into a grin, but his hands tensing on his cup contrasted his usual casual and charming demeanour. Slipping out of your mom's grasp, you walked over to Tony and pulled his hand into yours. The two of you made your way to the table and rather than sitting in your own seat, you slid into Tony's lap.

You had learned Tony's ticks and what seemed to calm him. The weight of you on his lap always seemed to ground him when he began spiralling, whether it was anxiety or his manic streaks, it seemed to calm him. At first, you were tentative when he brought it up, scared he would feel constricted, but it almost always seemed to work.

The conversation continued as James finished up dinner. If there was one thing that always seemed to bring up the mood, it was James' cooking. That man could make a piece of lettuce taste good if he had the right flavourings.

You watched your mom slink her arm around James' waist, leaning over his shoulder as he stirred some sort of sauce that smelt incredible. When your mom looked back over at you, she gave you a quick wink and whispered something into James' ear. You didn't have to see the look on James' face to know that whatever she said was something most certainly inappropriate. The tips of his ears glinted red, contrasting against his blue ball cap.

"So, Tony," Your mom's voice cut the comfortable silence. "I guess I don't need to ask the typical meet the parents questions. I already know what you do, where you're from, and most of that stuff. So, I guess I'll just start with this," Your mom paused and you felt Tony shift uncomfortably under your weight. "Can I ride in the suit?"

"Mom!" You nearly screamed before dissolving into another fit of laughter.

"(y/m/n), seriously?" James laughed, as he nudged your mom out of the way so he could get into the oven.

Tony breathed an amused sigh of relief, "I think (y/n) would kill me if I let you fly the suit before I let her. Though, it would be an honour to have someone as beautiful as you take a ride in my suit." Tony said with a wink before realizing what just came out of his mouth.

Lightly slapping his arm, you turn to your mom, "Well, it looks like I've got some competition." Turning to James, you grin cheekily, "Looks like you've got some competition too."

"No, no, no, no, no!" Tony began rambling apologies and trying to explain himself.

Turning to face him, you place your hands on either side of his face, planting a kiss on his lips quickly to shut him up, "Tony, I'm just messing with you. Relax. My mom would never...well maybe she would have if she had met you before, but now she would never. She has James, you dork. Plus, as long as I get to fly the suit first, you can let her ride in it whenever she wants."

Just as you finish your sentence you realize your mistake, "Wait! That came out wrong! My mom is doing no such riding. Nope, nopety, nope, nope!"

With another ring of laughter, James placed the food on the table. While the four of you ate, you all told stories, laughed and ended up in the living room watching some obscure movie that your mom had rented for the night. It felt so good to be home with your family and Tony seemed to fit into your lives so easily. It was a nice change of pace from your past relationships.


"Thank you for dinner, James. That was the best chicken I've had in a long time," Tony smiled, shaking James' hand as the two of you stood in the entryway.

"You're welcome to come by anytime. I make more than just chicken," James smiled.

"Yeah, he makes a killer cheeseburger," Your mom grinned from behind James.

"Red meat will kill you."

"Only if I let it."

You pulled your mom into a hug, "I'll see you tomorrow at the diner for breakfast?"

"Of course," Your mom rolled her eyes before gesturing towards James. "James will be there too."

You let out a light laugh, "Well I sure hope so, it's his diner after all."

"Get out of here you two!" Your mom pushed away from you, smacking your butt before she made her way over to Tony. "Don't hesitate to come back. Especially if you're bringing the suit." She laughed, pulling Tony into a hug.

After the four of you said your goodbyes, Tony opened your car door before getting into the driver's side, "FRIDAY, please take us to (y/n)'s house." He said and soon the two of you were on your way back to your place.

"Thank you for tonight, Tony. It was amazing." You smiled, placing your hand in his.

Tony squeezed your hand before pulling it up to kiss your knuckles, "No, thank you. Without you, I never would have gotten to know your family like that. It was amazing. Your mom is hilarious. And James, well he and I are gonna tinker with his truck a bit to get it running better."

"When did you decide this?" You asked defensively.

"When you and your mom ran out to get more ice cream." Tony laughed, squeezing your hand again.

You joined in with a laugh of your own, "Fair enough. Just wait until you meet my grandparents, they are so much worse. They only approved of one of my past relationships, and that didn't even last very long."

Tony's face paled so quickly, you couldn't help but chuckle and pull him in for a kiss. Thankfully FRIDAY was at the wheel or else you would have definitely got into a crash. Let's just say, Tony's attention was quickly pulled from the road and focused on...other things.

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