Captain America (A Fight)

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"Tony is a jerk, you can't trust him, Steve. He's just trying to rial you up again."

"(y/n), you don't get it. If he tries to incarcerate Buck, especially right now, he could impair his whole recovery process. Buck is so close to being himself again."


"No, (y/n), I don't want to hear it. It's honestly none of your business."

"Really, Bucky is none of my business? Fine, you know what, go off to Wakanda, and don't bother coming back. You can say this is a jealous girlfriend thing, or whatever, but I'm sick and tired of being dragged into your fights."

"(y/n), you're acting like a child!"

"No Steve, I don't care whether or not you go to Wakanda, China, or hecking Antarctica. What I care about is you being honest and telling me what you're planning before you leave."

"This is before I leave!"

"Half an hour!"

"I didn't know until two hours ago, and you just got home."

"I have a cell phone! You can call me, or heck, text me! You know what, it doesn't matter now, just go. I'm not in the mood to see your face right now."

Steve opened his mouth to say something, but thought against it. You knew you were being petty. Bucky was Steve's top priority, and you couldn't blame him. But, you were tired, your day had been trash, and all you wanted was to curl up in your boyfriends arms, and sleep for the next 70 years. You weren't expecting to come home and find Steve waiting on your couch, suitcase in hand, in order to say goodbye. 

Something in you snapped when he told you that he would be gone indefinitely. Tony and him had gotten into a fight on the phone and Tony threatened to have Bucky arrested. On what charge, you didn't know. Most of the charges against Bucky had been dropped after his move to Wakanda. T'challa had granted him Wakandan citizenship, and in turn, immunity from arrest should he travel. But, that didn't change the fact that Steve had to go take care of things, just in case they got out of hand.

You didn't mean for it to end up in a fight, but it did. Now he was heading to the other side of the world, and you couldn't do anything about it. He had to go, you knew that. It wasn't like you were apposed to him leaving. It was his job, but that didn't change the fact that you wished he could stay. You were being selfish, and you knew it.

Now, it was too late. He was on a plane, unable to be communicated with. Well, if you had connections with Wakanda, or the Avengers, you probably could have gotten a hold of him. But, seeing as the only time you met anyone in Steve's life was at Tony Stark Parties™, there wasn't anyone you could call. Well, maybe Tony Stark, but he's the reason that Steve left in the first place, and even though you were mad, you didn't want to muck up Steve's plans.

Steve's POV

She really didn't have a right to yell at me for this. Though, I don't blame her for it. Half an hour is no where's near enough time to say an indefinite goodbye. Still, it's not like I wanted to leave her, I always wish she could come along. It's not fun leaving the woman you love and possibly never returning, but it's what I have to do. It's been my job since before her parents were alive. Ever since the Second World War, I've been leaving the people I loved. 

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