Bruce (First Date)

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As you pulled up to the mystery address, you saw a small hut type restaurant and a dock leading into the ocean. Bruce helped you out of the car, onto the soft sand, due to the wedged sandals you kept tipping over and falling, so you decided to take off your shoes and carry them. 

"Do you have a reservation?" The man at the front asked, his smile seemed genuine and happy, as you told him your name. "Right this way." He led you onto the dock, towards the end, where you saw a floating gazebo lit with candles. There was a table in the centre, with wine and flowers on it. The man left two menus, and departed as Bruce held open your chair for you.   

"You really don't have to do that." You smiled. "And I'm sorry you got roped into this, my friend can be a little, well, strong willed. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't be in Fiji at all." 

Bruce smiled weakly, he seemed almost afraid, like he was scared that something was going to go wrong. "Well, its nice that you are here." He said meekly, he didn't seem to talk much. 

The food came quickly, and the wine dissipated just as fast. It seemed that you only had a few sips of yours when it became empty, but Bruce didn't seemed to phased, just a bit more tense. It was strange, because, for a moment, he seemed familiar, like you had seen him before, but he was different in some way. 

You looked away from his gaze shyly, "I have a strange question, have we met before, you seem so familiar." 

His eyes quickly darted around the gazebo, looking sharply at each candle on the edges of the gazebo, his nervousness only seemed to grow, so much so that you were positive that he hadn't been listening. 


He jumped at your voice, "I'm sorry, (y/n), would you mind if I just took you back, I'm not feeling well."

"Oh, no problem, I can just rent a cab if you want to go straight home." You try to keep the hurt and sadness out of your voice. 

"Would you mind?" You shake your head, "Thank You (y/n). I really appreciate it. Here," He holds out some money, "For your cab fare." 

"Its alright, I  got it covered."

"I insist."

"Ok." You smile and say goodbye as his car zooms away. About fifteen minutes later you arrive back at your hotel room. "(y/bff/n) I'm back." You kick off your shoes yet again and flop onto your bed.

The bathroom door opens and your best friend walks out. " Why are you back so soon? Was the restaurant not good?  It looked beautiful online. Where's Bruce?"

"He was acting really weird, then asked if it would be alright if he brought be back early, but I told him to go home, so I took a cab back. Funny thing is, he looked so familiar tonight, I think it was the eyes. I felt like I had seen him before. Anyway, all I want to do right now is get into pj's and watch some tv, maybe eat that ice cream we put in the mini freezer?" You say as you turn on the tv. An image pops up of a green monster, who seemed to be attacking buildings quite close to where you were. Then a close up of his face draws you towards the tv. Those eye, you HAD seen them before. 

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