Captain America ("I Love You")

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Exhausted after working 12 hours, you finally got home. Crashing on your bed, you don't even bother changing into pajamas, or making the effort to remove your makeup. The only thing you can be bothered to do, is haphazardly tossing off your shoes. You curl into your pillows, letting the exhaustion take over, and began to drift into a soundless sleep. What you had forgotten though, was that a certain man was coming to pick you up at around 8. It was your sixth month anniversary, and Steve was planning some cute, surprise date. But, with your head in the clouds as you slept, the thought had completely abandoned your mind. 

A soft knock sounded at your door. It was quarter after 8, and you had officially been sleeping for an hour. The knocking stopped, and the lock clicked open. Quiet footsteps neared your room, when another knock came, this time from your bedroom door. At the force of the light knock, your half closed door opened in full, giving Steve a perfect view of your sleeping form. He laughed softly at the sight, before walking over to you. 

Kneeling down, he picked up your shoes, gently placing them on your shoe rack. Continuing the short journey to your bedside, his footfalls were light, quiet. The last thing he wanted to do was wake you. Clearly, you had a rough day, and he was gonna make sure to cheer you up. 

As he arrived at your bed, he leaned down, brushing the hair from your face, and giving you a soft peck on your forehead. You were too zonked out to even notice, and you didn't even stir at the touch. 

Just as quietly as he arrived, he slipped out of your bedroom, leaving the door open in case you woke up. He wandered to the kitchen, and began searching for something to make. Coming up empty handed, he decided to call for some takeout. Grabbing the menu for your favourite Chinese restaurant, he went to the phone and called. An hour later, the food arrived. 

Steve set up the living room. Your favourite movie was in the dvd player, and he had the couch folded out into a bed. He fluffed pillows, grabbed blankets, and poured drinks. When the food finally arrived, he figured that he should finally wake you. So, he sauntered back into your room, walking as silently as possible, and rested a hand on your shoulder. 

"(y/n). Love, it's time to wake up." 

You grumbled at the attempt, but Steve was persistent. Finally, despite your protests, you looked up. Your eyes widened as you saw Steve, and your mind finally caught up to your body, "Shoot! I forgot about our date!" You began running though apologies, knowing that none of them would atone for your lapse in memory. Not bothering with excuses, you began to tear up, embarrassment hitting you like a freight train. 

"Honey, don't worry about it. I'm just glad that I get to be with you." Steve chuckled, wiping the stray tears from your eyes, "Now, I've got Chinese food, and your favourite movie, in the living room. If you'd care to join me." Extending his hand, Steve pulled you out of bed, making his way towards the living room.

You gasp at the sight in front of you. Tons of Chinese food was laying on the coffee table, your favourite cheesy movie was paused on the TV, and the couch was smothered in pillows and blankets, "You did all this?" A air of disbelief flooded your voice.

Steve only nodded, pulling you onto the couch with him. You laid against the pillows, sighing in contentment. Steve only laughed, pulling you closer to him, so that your head was on his chest. You could tell that he was previously wearing a suit and tie, but he was now just in his dress pants, and the top two buttons of his dress shirt were undone. He was comfortable and it made you unbelievably happy.

Looking up at him through your eyelashes, you couldn't help but smile, "Why?" You questioned.

Stroking your hair, Steve look down at you, a small smirk playing on the corners of his lips, "Because I love you." He smiled. 

The tears from earlier threatened to fall again. Though, this time, rather than ones embarrassment and regret, the tears were happy ones. "You love me?" You choked out. 

"I do. I really, really love you, (y/n)." He flushed a bright red, avoiding your eyes. Unable to form words, you stared blankly at him for what felt like hours. "I...I'm sorry, I shouldn't have just blurted it out. It's alright if you don't feel the same way. I just...I'm sorry." His head hung down, and you could feel his muscles tensing underneath you. 

You stared up at him, a questioning look on your face, when suddenly the realization hit you. You hadn't said anything in the past few minutes. Of course he assumed you didn't reciprocate the feeling, you would have thought the same, should the roles be reversed.

 Without a second thought, you pulled him down to you, kissing him gently, "I love you too." You smile against his mouth.

"Really?" He looked at you, grinning like a child at Christmas. 

"Yup." You popped the p, a playful smirk on your lips. "Now, what do you say we put on this incredibly cheesy movie, and enjoy this incredibly cheesy feeling?" 

"I'd love that!" He pulled you closer to him, kissing your forehead and pressing play on the movie. The two of you barely saw half of the movie, between eating, joking, and eventually falling asleep. You wouldn't have wanted it any other way. 

Just before you fully dozed off, you felt a hand lightly touch our cheek. Humming in response, you didn't bother looking up, you were too exhausted. Instead, you leaned into the touch, feeling the warmth of it. Steve smiled at you, gently running his thumb over your cheekbone. You heard him whisper a soft, "I love you." Before the two of you drifted off into an undisturbed sleep. 

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