Thor ("I Love You")

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As you were finishing up at the incredible, secluded restaurant, you walked towards the kitchen. Thought the evening was perfect, simply because Thor had set it up. It wouldn't have been nearly as spectacular without the help of a certain mischief maker. 

"Thank you for tonight." You smiled gratefully at the dejected god who leaned against the counter. The dishes in the sink across from him seemed to be washing themselves in a very Harry Potter-esque fashion. 

Loki simply rolled his eyes, crossed his arms, and refused to move from his spot.  

"I mean it Loki," You walked up to him resting your hand on his shoulder, "I really appreciate it. I know that you wouldn't have done this without Thor blackmailing you into it, but it was really sweet of you. I know you could have gotten out of it."

"I'm not sweet, you filthy mortal. I have no reason to be, so I am not. I would much rather be elsewhere." Loki groaned, moving his hand to switch the dishes into, what looked like, drying mode.

"Alright, I'm sorry you had to do this." Your head dropped down, as you made your way to the door. 

"(y/n), wait!" Loki yelled from behind you. He waited until you turned to face him, before speaking again, "You're welcome. I'm glad that you and Thor are together. I'm glad you're the one he loves."

If you weren't deadly still before, you were a statue now. In your mind, you were questioning if you heard Loki right. Thor loved you? Maybe it's different on Asgard, you thought. Maybe they threw out 'I love yous' easier there.

"(y/n)? Are you alright?" Loki watched you, clear confusion rested on his face. "(y/n), please answer me."

As if your feet were glued to the ground, and your mouth stapled shut, you were silent. Completely still.  The unyielding pull of you mind, drawing you into your thoughts, and soon the world seemed to fade out. Thor loved you. The god of thunder, freaking loved you! It didn't seem like it was real. Nothing seemed real in the moment. Everything was faded, like a dream.

You weren't pulled from the haze of your mind, until you heard a loud crash. Jumping, you turned around to see Thor, bursting through the kitchen doors. 

"(y/n)? Are you alright my love?" Thor gently took your hand in his. 

There was that word again, love. Of course you loved Thor. Right? He was everything you could ever want. He was a damn god for heaven's sake! But, love was a big word which held a lot of meaning, at least to you.

"(y/n), please, you're scaring me." Thor pulled you in to him gently, like he was trying not to break you.

" me?" You croaked out, finally pulling yourself out of your daze.

"That's what caused all this? The fact that I said he loves you." Loki huffed. "Are you mortals so stupid that you lose yourselves to the mere thought of love?"

"Loki! Shut up, and leave Lady (y/n) and myself." Thor turned his attention back to you, stroking your hair lightly. "My love, I have loved you since the day we met at that little coffee shop by your home. I have loved you everyday since. I am so glad that you have chosen to be with me. I love you and I will, everyday for the rest of my life."

You couldn't help but let a few tears fall, "I love you too." You grabbed Thor around the neck and pulled him into you for a kiss. 

The kiss was deep, passionate and full of love. It felt like you were falling off a cliff and into a pool of warm water. The feeling of Thor's arms around you, pulling you into his chest. His lips perfectly encasing yours. The whole evening was perfect. 

As the two of you pulled away, you looked up at him, a glint in your eye, "You're adorable and I love you."

"You are much more adorable than I, my dear sweet (y/n), but I love you more than anything in the nine realms." Thor pressed a kiss to your forehead.

"Even more than Mjolnir?" You joked, leaning against his chest.

Thor held out his hand, waiting for his hammer to land in it, "I would give up Mjolnir, and all of my strength if it meant I could be with you forever."

A laugh escaped your lips as you pressed them against Thor's again, "But who else would be worthy?"


More laughter erupted from your throat, "Oh, Thor, honey, there is no way I would be worthy of the great hammer." You grinned. Thor's eyes turned curious as he looked from his hammer to you, "No! I'm not gonna try it either. I don't feel like falling on the ground trying to hold the hammer of heaviness."

It was Thor's turn to laugh. He took your hand and led out back out of the restaurant and onto the field that you arrived on. Holding you close, Thor swung Mjolnir into the air, and soon you were flying again. 

Moment's later you landed back in the little park. The two of you walked back towards the hotel that Thor had booked. When you got to the room, you grinned, spinning around to face him.

"You know, in your note you said you'd try to sweep me off of my feet. Well, consider this a success." You pulled him in for another kiss, before unlocking the door. You stepped into the hotel room, only for an arm to pull you back out.

"Might I join you?" Thor asked, uncharacteristically shy.

You smiled, moving out of the way so that he could enter, "By all means."

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