Thor (Avengers Party)

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It was a day like any other, you say on your boyfriends lap, as per usual, in the living room of the Avengers Facility, the team scurried about. Loki was pestering you about "why pick Thor. He's a big oaf." And Thor would retort with "I'm right here you fool." And so on and so forth. But today was different, there wasn't just superheroes and agents running about, ordinary people flooded the place in drones. Loud club music encased you, and Tony flew about from young woman to young woman, trying to find himself some arm candy.

Tony was hosting this big bash as a celebration for some reason. You weren't exactly sure what, but it was obviously something important to him and the rest of the team. Whenever you asked, you only ever got a confused look in response, or sometimes, if one of the agents were feeling particularly "funny" they would announce "you don't have the clearance to know." Which was funny the first time, but the next 100 grew less and less funny.

Thor put his arm around you, causing you to jump out of your thoughts. He lifted you effortlessly and placed you in the seat next to him. "I need an ale."  He grinned. "Anything for you my love?"

"No I'm good, sexy, but I wouldn't mind a slice of you." Loki replied, smirking.

Thor threw Mjolnir towards Loki, just barely missing his head. 

"HEY!" Loki squeaked. 

"Is for horses!" You casually retort. Both boys look at you like you're some crazy looking alien, then turned to each other, laughing a hearty laugh. "What?" You question.

"Oh nothing," Thor smiles. "Now, was there anything that you needed?"

"No, I'm fine for now. Thank you." You flop your legs on the couch beside you, officially laying down. Loki just stares at you, curiosity filled his face. He often looked at you like that. Like you were a zebra at a zoo. 

After a few moments Thor returned, large glass in hand. He moved your legs off of his seat, and placed them on his lap after he sat down. You watched as he drank his beer in one fowl swoop before setting it down on the table beside you. 

The three of you sat in silence, watching the hoopla around you. You watched as Tony flirted with tall, blondes, and brunettes, and one curly haired red head who shot him down instantly. Laughing, you turned your gaze to the to Dr.'s sitting at the bar, whiskey in hand, chatting. Dr. Banner and Dr. Strange had grew close, and constantly were talking about ways to mix their two professions. Loki followed my gaze and winced, thoughts of Hulk smashing him, and Steven beating him with his trickery, caused him to despise both men.

Loki turned his eyes away from the two Dr.'s and on to Bucky and a young girl with dyed red hair, and glasses, the two danced together and laughed the whole time, whispering silly things to each other. Soon he lead her off of the dance floor and towards the bar. You watched silently as the two flirted with each other, you couldn't help but smile. Cap soon walked towards the two, and began to bug Bucky about something. The girl laughed cheekily before turning her attention back to Bucky. 

Soon Cap left the couple and headed towards you, Thor, and Loki. "Hey guys." Cap sat down beside Loki, causing him to shift uncomfortably. 

"Hey Steve. How's it going?" You smile

"Going well." Cap looked over to Loki. "You're looking a little pale, are you feeling okay?" 

"I'm fine." Loki retorted sharply.

"Hey, who's Bucky's arm candy?" You laugh glancing over at Bucky and his girl.

"Not sure, he just met her. She's pretty, and very nice." Cap lost his train of thought before continuing. "Anyway, he seems to like her."

You watched as more people crowded onto the dance floor, suddenly the Cha Cha Slide came on. You shot up and grabbed Thor's arm. 

"Where are we going?" Thor questioned.

"To the left!" You sang in unison with the song.

You went to the left, took it back now, did several hops this time, and cha cha'd real smooth, all the while, Thor struggled to keep up. He was very off beat and clunky on the cement floor. You laughed every time he went right instead of left, or just stood still during the cha cha's. The song came to the end and you stood there, out of breath, laughing. The two of you returned to the couches, but not before stopping at the bar and getting some drinks. 

Cap was no longer on the couches, but was now playing darts with Hawkeye and Natasha. Loki sat, watching the commotion on the dance floor. You sat beside Thor, leaning against him. You were very tired, and lost even more energy because of your intense Cha Cha Sliding. Soon, without realizing it, you had fallen asleep.


The warm light of the sun hit your face as you blinked your eyes open. You looked around the room, trying to get your bearings.  You didn't recognize anything, except for the man sleeping in the chair next to the window. 

"Thor?" You croaked in your morning voice.

Thor shifted awake and looked towards you with a smile. "Good morning my love." His voice deeper than usual. "Shall we go for breakfast?"

"Where are we?" You ask, still confused. 

"Stark let you use one of the rooms here, when he saw you sleeping on me, last night, he said that I could bring you here." Thor got up and walked towards you. "So? Breakfast?"

"Sure," You smile, getting out of the bed. "but first..." You leaned up to kiss Thor on the cheek. "Thank you."

"For what?" Thor looked at you, confused. 

"Taking care of me." You smiled. 

The two of you walked out of the room, hand in hand, and towards the Facility's kitchen. You walked in, only to find Tony and Cap sitting at the breakfast bar, eating eggs and bacon, and watching the news. 

"Ah! Did you two have fun last night?" Tony elbowed Thor in the side lightly. 

"I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about." Thor said, obviously confused.

"The party was really fun Tony. Thanks for inviting me." You grin, avoiding Tony's obvious innuendo.

"You know that's not what I-"

"We all know what you mean, now shut up and let them eat breakfast." Steve cut off Tony with a slap, and looked back towards the two of you. "There is eggs in the skillet and bacon on a plate in the oven."

Thor and you walked over to the oven, filling your plates up, and returning to the breakfast bar. You go silent watching the screen. You watched in horror as The Hulk ripped apart a city. Suddenly, you were the only one left at the table.

Avengers Imagines: Volume Iजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें