Tony Stark (He Picks You Up)

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Saturday arrived and you were going out with the one, the only, Iron Man!!! Okay, well Tony wasn't really going to be in the Iron Man suit, at least you didn't think so. A knock lightly tapped on the door to your condo. 

Walking down the stairs in your favourite black dress, you hold your red pumps in your hand and open the door with the other. As soon as you see his face you light up with excitement. It has been a few months since you broke up with your last boyfriend, being the little man slut he was, you were happy for some other man slut to go out with. Especially if that new man slut was Tony Stark. The best part was the way he looked at you. His smile was intoxicating, a smoulder like Flynn Rider's, but more perfect. 

You breathed a hello as he grabbed your hand, "Where are we going?" You ask sheepishly, blushing in the dark.

"Secret," he winked and walked you to his, seemingly new, midnight blue, metallic, Audi, A7 Sportback. 

You grin, "No really, where are we going?" You poke once more. 

"It is a surprise, just come with me." His smile turned into a teasing smirk. "I promise that it is nothing too crazy, but it may just be crazy enough to be fun."

Your mind wandered, but you didn't have much time before he opened the passenger door to his, very sexy, car. You slid in without a word, smelling the leather and feeling the heated seats below you. The snow outside seemed to fade from your thoughts, Tony slid into the other side. revving the engine up,  you swoon a little over the car. 

"You sure you can't tell me where we are going?" You almost beg.

"Nope." he laughed, an exhilarating laugh, as he turned on some music and sped down the road. 

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