Bruce (He Meets Your Best Friend...Again)

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"Oh my gosh!" You whispered towards the TV. 

"What?" (y/bff/n) shook your arm trying to pull you from your daze. "Come on, (y/n), snap out of it. You've been saying that over and over for the past hour."

"'s..." you pointed to the screen, at the large green figure, who's eyes you knew better than expected.

"Oh my gosh." Your best friend took a seat next to you. "Oh my gosh! (y/n)! Do you realize what this means? You went out on a date with an Avenger! Holy shrimp! That is so co-"

"(y/bff/n)!" You yelled, cutting her off. "This is a problem! Because of me, he is on a rampage!" You start crying from the stress of it all. "I think it started when I told him he looks familiar. He got really defensive and then asked if he could bring me back here."

"That's ridiculous. Impossible even. That doesn't make sense. Something else must have happened."

"I guess." You said thinking back to earlier. His phone beeped right before he flipped, but he didn't look at it, so how could it have been that?

----------------------------------The Next Morning-----------------------------------

 Your phone buzzed, causing you to wake up with a slight start. "Hello?" You grumbled into the phone. "Sorry?" You said, sitting straight up. 

"What's going on? (y/n)?" (ybff/n) asked from the bed to the left of you.

"Shh!" You hissed, putting your finger to your lips.

"Yes. Yes. Okay, I'll be right down. What was the address again?" Listening to the person on the other line you pulled on proper clothes, pulling your hair up into a messy bun, while your phone was balanced between your ear and your shoulder. "Okay, thank you." You said worriedly as you hung up. "That was the police. They, he, asked if I could bail him out. I got to go." You rushed to put on your shoes.

"Wait! If you think that I am not coming, you are brutally mistaken there Missy." (y/bff/n) flopped into her flip flops, grabbing her purse and a hotel key on your way out.

"Taxi!" You yelled, as if it would help get one faster. After a few minutes of trying to hail a taxi, and utterly failing, one finally pulled up. Giving him the address, you slowly let yourself calm down. "Why did he call me? He hardly knows me, there has to be someone more important to him that could bail me out."

"Clearly, he is madly in love with you and needs you to know that." You elbowed (y/bff/n) in the arm, causing her to yelp in pain. "Hey!"

"I am not exactly in the mood for jokes right now."

"Sorry." Your best friend smiled as the taxi slowed in front of the large, grey building labelled Police. 

Walking in, you could feel eyes on you from the police men, and people crying over stolen vehicles and muggings. "I am here to bail out Bruce Banner."

"He called you?" A deep, sarcastic, yet oddly familiar voice rang out behind you. "Who are you?"

"(y/n), we were on a date before he, well you know." You turned around to face a smirking Tony Stark

"Old Brucey boy, finally got himself a date. Well what do you know, maybe this Fiji thing is for him. Well, don't worry gorgeous, I will take care of it from here."

"Wait!" Bruce's soft voice came from across the room. "(y/n), I would like to have another try at our date, if that is okay with you?"

At this you couldn't help but smile, "Well, you clearly have my number, so if you are ever in Vancouver, Canada, hit me up. Unfortunately I leave tonight, and I have a feeling that you are gonna be busy today, so we'll make it a rain check."

"Sounds good." Bruce shyly smiled as he turned to Tony, "So, are we off than?" 

"Let's go Jolly Green Giant." Tony laughed as Bruce's face fell.

"Hey, do I not get a thank you?" (y/bff/n) smirks towards Bruce.

"Oh! Sorry. Thank you, (y/bff/n), for everything."

"Yes, thanks for getting Brucey, here, a girlyfriend." Tony punched Bruce's arm, winking at (y/bff/n). 

"Hey, Mr. Stark."


"Tony, here's my number. You know, if you ever need to take some one out or something." Your best friend winked at Tony while slipping a piece of paper in his hands.

"I will defiantly use this." Tony grinned as he and Bruce walked away.

Turning to your best friend, you burst out laughing, "Desperate much?"

"Hey! How often do you get to give Tony Freaking Stark your phone number. Clearly I know an opportunity when I see one." You both laughed as you hailed yet another taxi.

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