Clint (Avengers Party)

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You stood frozen in the door watching the crowded room. You couldn't make out a single face you knew, everyone was a stranger. You could feel your heart beating a mile a minute, and everything seemed even more crazy than it did before. A person tapped at your shoulder causing you to jump. Your chest began to feel tight as you moved to the side, letting them in. You began to feel the slow incline of panic rising through you. Trying to push it aside, you entered the door. Looking frantically for any sign of Clint. Music pounding around you, you could feel your heart rate quicken and you could barely breath.

Turning around, you ran for the door, and continued running towards what you thought was the parking garage. Running faster than you'd ran in a long time, you soon became out of breath. Stopping suddenly, you looked around and noticed that there was no one around, and the garage was no where to be found. Your pulse quickened as you heard rustling from behind you, the bass reverberating off the building made it hard to hear much. You turn around to try and see who is following you, when suddenly you hear someone call out your name.

"(Y/n)!!!" A familiar voice calls you. Soon you see the silhouette of Clint rushing towards you. (Y/n), are you ok? I've been looking all over for you."

You didn't even realize that you had started to cry, but Clint noticed right away. "I'm fine." You strain.

Clint pulled you close and hugged you to his chest. "It's alright, I'm here. You're gonna be just fine." He whispered into your hair. Lightly stroking it between words. "Do you wanna go in and get a drink? A soda, or maybe something stronger?"

You laughed into his chest, squeezing him lightly. "Let's go." You grab his hand for comfort and begin to walk back towards the music.

Entering the building was less of a struggle this time, you had Clint beside you. You both sashayed your way to the bar and ordered two Shirley Once you got your drinks, the two of you wriggled past the massive crowd of people dancing, and could see Tony flirting with some brunette babe. Cap was sitting with Bucky drinking beer straight from the bottle, and Thor was bothering Bruce about something or other on the other end of the living room.

Clint pulled you over to where Thor and Bruce were arguing. He was about to go all "dad" voice on them, when they suddenly got distracted. They both sat up straighter and looked at you smiling.

"Hello my lady, what are you doing with a guy like Clint when I'm here." Thor joked in a deep voice, bursting out laughing immediately after. "He is the best! Hi, I'm Thor." He took your hand and kissed it.

"I'm Bruce, and you must be (y/n). Clint has told us all about you."

"All good things I hope." You smiled shyly.

"Don't worry, only good things." Bruce smiled back.

You say down next to Clint, and began to twirl your thumb on his palm. You were beginning to feel the tightness in your chest return. Tears began to fill in yours eyes again, and you couldn't even pinpoint why. All you knew is that you needed solitude, you needed to be away from the crowd of people. You stood up, and ran towards the first bathroom you could find. You could hear Clint calling your name behind you, but soon the music drowned it out. Luckily the bathroom you found was a single stall, so you closed the door and locked it. Tears fell frantically from your eyes, music boomed behind the door, and you sat there, on the floor of the bathroom, your back against the door.

It wasn't long before you hear someone pounding on the door, you couldn't make out what the person was saying at first, everything in your mind was jumbled, nothing was clear. The voice sounded familiar, and the words, you had heard them before, but where? The banging on the door continued, and you moved away from it, fear filling your chest. Suddenly, the door was broken off of its hinges. Thor was standing in the door way holding the door in his hands. Clint rushed into the bathroom, and sat beside you.

"(y/n) its okay, you're safe now." Clint stroked your hair. "Do you want to get out of here? Maybe go home? We could watch Gilmore Girls, if you'd like. I don't mind. Whatever you want." Clint held you lightly, just enough for you to feel secure, but not enough for you to feel trapped.

You didn't say a word, you were too exhausted, all you did was nod. You let Clint help you onto your feet and Thor and Bruce walked behind you on your way out.

"It's okay you guys," You mumble to them as you reach Clint's car. "I'm okay."

"Oh," Thor looked to the ground. "We thought that, maybe, you wouldn't mind if we joined you."

Bruce looked slightly embarrassed, "We wanted and watch Gilmore Girls with you guys. If you don't mind of course."

You laugh lightly, and motion for them to join you and Clint in the car.

Avengers Imagines: Volume ITahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon