Clint ("I Love You")

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"I love you." You smiled as the words met your ears. Turning to get a good look at the person who said them, you watched a young man leaning on a table, across from a young woman. Immediately, the woman's face lit up, and tears began falling from her eyes. She quickly nodded, standing up, and throwing her arms around the man, and kissing him, returning the words with such passion.

You turned your focus back on the cappuccino in front of you. You were sitting in a coffee shop   that was just a few blocks away from your house, this coffee shop was your favourite place to people watch. Most of the time it was people going on awkward first dates, or people coming back here to get engaged. There were many business meetings that took place, as well as job interviews and people meeting up with old friends. Lately, though, it seemed as if there was an influx of people confessing their love for one another. Though, it could have just seemed like it due to the fact that your mind had been on Clint and those three very serious words. 

It wasn't as if you didn't know you loved him, you had realized it about a month ago, but you hadn't figured out how to tell him yet. Clint tended to have a hard time trusting and letting go of things, you figured that came from being a special agent in a not-so-secret-anymore organization. Nevertheless, you wanted to tell him, you wanted to take that next jump in your relationship, and you wanted to do it tonight. 

The two of you had another movie night planned. Well, not exactly movies, but you were planning on staying up all night, binge watching Sherlock. It might have not been the ideal place to tell him, but it was comfortable. And, if he did reject the idea of you loving him, at least you were home and wouldn't have to endure an awkward drive home. 

Standing up, you threw out your coffee cup and exited the coffee shop. You had about two hours before Clint would arrive at your apartment, and you decided to do something a little different for dinner. Rather than ordering takeout, you were going to cook. What better way to show someone you love them, than cooking a delicious meal.

You headed off to the store to get some supplies, then headed home. With just under two hours to go, you began cooking. Wrapping the chicken breast in bacon, you waited for the oven to heat up. Once the chicken was in the oven, you started on the mashed potatoes and asparagus. An hour later everything was finished, all that was left was dessert. You quickly decided to whip up something simple, a chocolate pie. 

As soon as you finished the pie, and put it in the fridge to set, the doorbell rang. You practically skipped to the door, nervous excitement flooding through you. You opened the door revealing a very handsome looking Clint, wearing black, fitted sweatpants, and a dark grey t-shirt.

"Hello." You smiled, basically drooling at the sight of your boyfriend.

Clint smirked, pulling you in for a kiss, "Hello." He said as his lips left your mouth. 

"I have a surprise for you!" Your sing songy voice caused both you and Clint to laugh. 

Pulling him through the door, you made your way to the kitchen table, which you had set up nicely.  A candle sat in the middle of the table, along with a bottle of wine. You had two plates full of salad, dressing on the side so it wouldn't get soggy, and two empty wine glasses laid on the table. Clint grinned at the sight as you gestured for him to sit down. Before he did, however, he pulled out your chair for you, letting you sit first.

"What's all this for?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow as he sat. 

"Well," You start, taking a sip from your wine before continuing. "I thought it would be nice to have something homemade, rather than all the takeout we've been getting."

Clint smiled before diving into his salad. He looked up after a bite, a genuine smile etched on his face, "This is great! It's been forever since I've had something that wasn't fast food or takeout."

"Nothing beats a home cooked meal with loved ones." You smile.

Clint stops, his fork half way to his mouth, "What?"

With the realization of your words, you stop, eyes wide. You are unable to formulate a response, the only words on your tongue are the ones you heard from the coffee shop earlier, the ones that had been on your mind for over a month, "I love you." 

An awkward smile forms on Clint's lips, but before he's able to speak, you cut him off, "Listen Clint, I know that you're private and you don't like to get close to people. So, if it's too much I understand. It's not like I'm expecting you to say it back or anything, because I'm not. I get that it's not an easy thing, but-" 

"I love you too." He smiles, standing out of the chair, kneeling beside you ,and wrapping his arms around you. "I love you." He says again, as if for good measure, before placing a kiss on your forehead.

You can't help the tears that fall down your cheeks, or the smile that seems permanently glued on your face. And, just like in a cheesy romantic comedy, you pull him in for a proper kiss. Seconds turn into minutes before the two of you finally pull away. 

"You taste like ranch." You chuckle.

"You taste like lettuce."  Clint retorts. 

"I like ranch." You grin.

"I love lettuce...but I love you more." Clint winks before standing up and sitting back in his chair. "Now, what's for dinner?"

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