Captain America (Avengers Party)

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Music pounded around you, the Avengers training base was swarmed with people, Tony Stark being at the head of the hub bub. You got there later than expected because you couldn't leave work until everyone at your table had left, and they decided to take forever, and they didn't even tip! Needless to say, you were over people for the day, but you had agreed to come to this party weeks ago, and Steve was very excited about having you meet the team. 

This was the first time you would be meeting the whole of the Avengers, and you were nervous, and excited. You felt nervous as you walked around, you hadn't seen Steve yet, and you didn't know anyone else. Sure you recognized lots of the people there, as most of them have been all over the news lately, but you felt utterly alone. You begin to feel anxious as you look around and notice that more and more faces have become unrecognizable. Suddenly you feel an arm snake itself around your waist, you turn, expecting to see Steve, but instead seeing the smiling eyes of Tony Stark. 

"Hello Beautiful! Why aren't you dancing?" Tony smirked and began to pull you towards the crowd of people dancing. 

"Um...I don't really feel like it. I'm looking for someone." You pulled yourself away from his grip. 

"Anyone I know?"

"Ste-" You were cut off by someone calling your name. Turning around you see a smiling Steve pushing through the crowd of people to get to you.

"(y/n)! You're here! I'm so glad you made it!" He pulls you in for a small kiss, still smiling. "Stark, this is,"

"(y/n). Yeah, I caught that. Well, she's a beauty Steve, you have good taste." Tony walks away, a slight sulk on his face, but cheers up soon enough when he sees a young blonde model walking his way.

"Sorry about him. He really likes women." Steve puts his arm around you, walking you to the bar.

"Yeah, I've seen him on magazines, he's got quite the track record." You lean into him, relief flooding your mind. You felt safe. 

You walk up to the bar and see Black Widow and the Hulk, though not in Hulk form standing off in the corner. Banner leans down and whispers something into Natasha's ear, causing her to smile slyly before punching him hard in the chest. 

Steve turns to look at you, still smiling, and pulls you closer to him. "What do you want to drink?" 

"Um, a glass of white wine might be nice. I had quite the day at work, and could use something to take the edge off." You sigh and watch as Steve grabs two glasses and a bottle of Riesling, he places the two glasses on the bar, fills them, and puts the bottle back in the little fridge. You take one of the glasses and sip it. The sweet, fruity flavour dances on your tongue. 

"Good wine. One of the better ones I've had." You smile at Steve who is still behind the bar. 

"Stark filled the place, so it's most likely very expensive and the best quality." Steve laughed and walked back over to you, arm around your waist and leading you to some couches. You could make out two figures sitting on the couch to the right. A tall, largely built guy with short cut hair and really big biceps, and an equally tall, slim figured man with long black hair. You figured that the larger one was Thor, but you couldn't place where you had seen the other one before. 

"(y/n), I'd like to introduce you to Thor, and his brother Loki." 

"Adopted brother." Both Thor and Loki said in unison. They looked at each other horrified for a moment. 

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