Bruce (He Picks You Up?)

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Your stupid best friend! She knew you weren't ready for a relationship, yet there she went, setting you up with mystery man in Fiji! You had 15 minutes to get ready! How dare she? You did not want to go! You didn't even know the guy!

"It isn't like this is a blind date, you know what he looks like, and he knows what you look like. I see no harm in a fling with some random dude." Your best friend says as she holds a sundress up to you, "Try this on, it is your favourite. It might even go with your new shoes."

Reluctantly you grab the dress and the shoes. "There, are you happy?" You walk out of the bathroom, revealing your finished look, hair down, sundress, and wedge sandals. You stop dead in your tracks as you see Bruce sitting on the end of your bed, you didn't even hear a knock on the door. You blush as he looks at you. His face getting redder with embarrassment.

"You look..." his eyes kept looking at you up and down. His voice shaking from nerves. "You look great..." He blushes as you blush. "Well, um, we should go. Our reservation is for 5:15 and it will take us ten minutes to get there."

"Where are we going?" You smile as he walks you out of your hotel room and down the hall way.

"I don't know exactly, your friend gave me an address and told me the reservation was under your name." He smiles lightly in the elevator as he presses the main floor button.

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