Captain America (First Kiss)

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(A/N) I wrote this in church, so y'all better enjoy XD

Steve was different. You knew that going into this, that he would be different, but of course, after your first date, you expected him to go in for a kiss, and yet, it never came. After the second date, you expected it again, and so on and so forth.

You had now been dating for a week and a half now, and Steve was taking you on your fifth date. If felt like a lot, yet at the same time, you never wanted to leave his side. You figured that it was what they call puppy love.

Steve picked you up promptly at 7 o'clock and off you went. He took you down to a pier that was quite secluded. When you got there, there was a blanket set up on the pier, with a basket in the centre.

" got Bucky to set it up...I hope you like it." Steve blushed, you could tell that he was still not used to having a girl on his arm.

You look up to him, squeezing his arm closer to him and smiled, "I love it."

You continue towards the picnic basket, still linking arms, and you press your head to his arm. Sitting down, you begin to feel giddy, you couldn't wait to find out what he had packed, tonight felt different. It felt more intimate, not sexual, just a pure intimacy that you never thought you would experience. An intimacy that seems is only found in Disney movies, it was cheesy, and you loved it.

Steve began to pull out homemade turkey sandwiches, chips, and finally some lopsided vanilla cupcakes with bright blue icing and rainbow sprinkles. He finally pulled out a bottle of sparkling apple juice, to which you began to laugh. You couldn't help it, he was adorable.

"What? Did I do something wrong? (y/n) what is so funny?" The concern in his voice only made you laugh more.

Through broken laughter and heavy breathing, you finally get out, "Steve, you are just the sweetest guy I've ever known. I love it."

Without thinking he leans over and plants one on you, just as you began to return the kiss, he pulled away awkwardly.

"(y/n), I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have done that without your permission." His cheeks flushed red as he looked down. Without responding, you leaned in, and kissed him. You could feel his smile through the kiss.

"Permission granted" you smiled, laughing as you pulled away, grabbing a sandwich and biting into it, still smiling playfully.

After you finished the sandwiches, and cupcakes, you hopped back into Steve's bike, and he drove you home. As you got to your door, he pulled you in for a hug, but this time, leant down, kissing the top of your head. You bounced onto your tiptoes and pecked him on the lips.

"See you soon Steve." You unknowingly blushed.

"Till next time my love." He jokingly kissed your hand. Waving as you shut the door. Both of you smiling like little kids.

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