Loki (He Meets Your Best Friend)

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You'd only gone out a couple of times, but your best friend knew about Princess Cheekbones very well. You talked about him almost constantly. Your best friend would just chime in from time to time with random nicknames for Loki, or tell you to "Just please shut up. You never hear me talking about James like that."

"You used to, before the whole legal stuff happened. I know you still would if you could." You smiled at her. She had started to date James a few months ago, but since there was a warrant out for his immediate arrest, due to his workings with Hydra, she wasn't legally allowed to talk to or about him. It still never stopped her from talking about him though, his eyes, his smile, his metal arm, the usual. She didn't talk about him nearly as much though, and you began to wonder if everything was ok. "Wanna grab lunch?" You smiled, pulling her over to your favourite chain restaurant.

"Well, since I have no choice." (y/bff/n) smiled as she walked ahead of you, into the restaurant. As soon as you sat down, you noticed a man sitting parallel to you, his green eyes searing into you with intent. His smirk played all the way up his face, even into his eyes, and all you could think was that you had to be dreaming.

"Hello my queen." Loki smirked.

"Are you stalking me now?" Your harsh questioning tone surprised, even you.

"M'lady, I didn't think you would have such a harsh reaction, but I guess that is just in Midgardian nature. Nevertheless, my love, I have only come to join you and your beautiful friend here for lunch." Loki bent down to kiss (y/bff/n)'s hand, "I have yet to be properly introduced to you, m'lady, I am Loki, of Asgard, and I am courting your amazingly beautiful friend."

(y/bff/n) immediately pulled her hand from out of his grip and wiped it on your shirt, "Well, Loki, of Asgard, you better be good to my best friend here, or you'll have to go through me." She smiled, turing to you, she whispered into your ear, "he's quite the charmer. You better be careful with him." She smiled, winking as she pulled away. "Care to sit down and join us, Princess Cheekbones?"

"It was you?"


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