Tony Stark (Avengers Party)

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You couldn't believe your eyes, superhero's walked around you preparing for tonight. Tony had flown you to the Avengers HQ by helicopter, and had one of the agents take you to a lavish suite. There were three dozen roses in a vase on the table, and a big white box on the bed.

You walked around the room mesmerized. You had never seen a bedroom so large, even the sitting area was bigger than your living room in your apartment. Heck, the closet was as big as your kitchen! You walked over to the bed and sat down. As you were pulling the box up onto your lap, you heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" You yelled.

The door creaked open, and there, standing in a blue suit, with a white shirt that had the top two buttons undone, was Tony.

"What? You haven't opened it yet?" Tony smirked.

The blue ribbon was smooth between your fingers as you pulled it off the box. All the while Tony watched from the bedroom's doorway. You lifted the top off the box and looked down to see the most elegant dress you've ever laid eyes on.

"Tony, it'''s too much." You handed the box to him but he didn't take it.

"No, it's perfect. Now hurry up and put it on, the party is starting any minute. Tony exited the room, and walked down the stairs to the main room where guests had already began to pile in.

You took the dress out of the box and held it up to yourself in front of a mirror. It was a knee length dark blue dress with silver crystals cascading down from the chest to the hem.

After you had convinced yourself to slip it on, you looked into the bathroom, only to find a shoe box with silver heels inside. You looked in the mirror at your simple makeup and elegant dress, and made your way down stairs.

The music pounded in all directions, you saw Steve dancing with a curly haired, red headed girl with glasses. And Clint was by the bar talking to Natasha. Thor and Bucky were watching a wrestling match in another room, and Bruce was aimlessly walking around.

"Bruce!" You smiled and ran to catch up with him. Being as the music was so loud, he didn't hear you, but you caught up with him. You lightly grabbed his arm, causing him to flinch. "Hey, Bruce!"

"Oh hey, (y/n), what's up? Wow, you look amazing!" Bruce smiled.

"Have you seen Tony? I want to show him his handy work." You did a little twirl, and the two of you laughed.

"The last time I saw him, he was at the bar." Bruce looked over at the bar, momentarily getting distracted by Natasha. "Um...well...he's not there now." His gaze never leaving Natasha.

"I'll go find him, and you, you should go talk to Nat." You slapped his shoulder and leaned up to his ear. "I ship it." You whisper slyly before continuing your search.

You walk over to the room where Thor and Bucky sat yelling at the TV. "Hey guys!" You smile at them both before plunking yourself down on the arm of the couch.

"Shhhhh!" The boys shushed you in unison, eyes never leaving the TV. You watched with them as AJ Styles and Shinsuke Nakamura fought. You laughed at how extra they were both being, but secretly you loved it! You always had enjoyed watching the fights, and you enjoyed how extra everyone always was.

The TV turned to a commercial, and the three of you audibly groaned. The two guys turned to look at you with questioning eyes.

"What?" You ask.

"What are you doing here?" Bucky questioned you.

Confused you simply stated, "This is Tony's bash, I'm his girlfriend. Do the math."

Bucky laughed, "No, I mean, what are you doing here, in this room, watching wrestling with us. Rather than out there, being with Tony, and enjoying the party?" 

"Ha! Being out there means being 'the girlfriend', which means chatting up people I don't care to talk to, and being arm candy. Can't you tell, this dress just screams, arm candy. I'd rather be in here watching AJ and Shinsuke try to kill each other for our entertainment." You lean against the back of the couch, and slip off of the arm, landing in the open seat beside you.

"Well then, stay as long as you need, ma'lady." Thor hands you a bottle of root beer, knowing you didn't do real beer.

Just as you went to crack it open, Tony rushes into the room. "(y/n)! I've been looking everywhere for you! Oh my god you look amazing!" He pulled you up and gave you a kiss. "There are some people I want you to meet." Tony wrapped his arm around your waist and led you away from the match.

"Bye boys!" You yelled over your shoulder. "Tell me who wins!"

"Somehow I didn't peg you as a wrestling fan." Tony laughed and pulled you closer. 

"Well, you don't know everything about me." You smiled and leaned into his chest.


After Tony had introduced you to about a hundred people that you didn't care for, he brought you to one last person. He promised that this would be the last one, but somehow you didn't believe him. 


"I promise that this is the last one." Tony's eyes glistened with excitement, "I dare say this is the most important person I introduce you to." 

You both walk up to a boy, from behind you think he's probably in his late twenties, but when he turns around, it's clear that he is only about 16. When he saw who had tapped him on the shoulder, he lit up, like a child at Christmas.

"Mr. Stark! Oh my gosh! I can't believe you invited me! This is the best party I've ever been to! Captain America is here! And Thor! And Hulk! And -" 

Before he could finish, Tony had stopped him, "Yes, it is awesome." Tony looked around, admiring his handy work. "Peter, I'd like you to meet (y/n) (y/l/n)."

"Ms. (y/l/n), it's great to meet you! It's such an honour to meet Tony's girlfriend, honestly, this whole day has been incredible, I've met so many people that are just so cool, and oh my GOSH is that  Black Widow! AHHHH! I feel like her and I have a connection, being as we both have our super names after spiders and all. I gotta go! It was great meeting you though!" And with that, Peter ran and dodged people until he met up with Nat.

"Does he always talk that much?" You laugh watching Peter make a spectacle of himself in front of Nat.

"Actually, that was the least I've heard him talk in a long time." Tony twirled you around to face him, and pulled you towards the dance floor. Snapping his fingers, a slow song came on, and all of the people dancing got closer and began to sway.

Tony leaned down to your ear and whispered, "Thank you."

You giggled, trying to hide the blush creeping up on your face. "For what?"

Tony lifted your chin till your eyes met, "For everything, for being here even when I know you'd rather be watching wrestling or whatever else. Thank you for being with me." He leaned down and kissed you softly before pulling you closer.

You sighed and whispered into his chest. "Thank you for being with me."

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