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"I love to love you"

They all sat at the dinner table. Lisa sat beside her mother. Her eyes stole glances of the man in front of her. After dinner they are talking when Lisa suddenly remembers she forgot the painting in the room. She immediately got up and went to her room. 

She found the painting. Where she kept it. She forgot it. She looked at the floor and remembered she removed the quilt and found it. She took the painting and got down to the stairs. Lisa put a smile on her face and entered the drawing room.But her smile wiped and a frown covered her forehead when she didn't find him. 

"Where is he?" She asked her father.She  hid the painting behind.

"Oh  he has some important work so he has to go" Danial answered and went to the table to help Tiara. Lisa felt disappointed. She turned back and went to her room with a sad face. 

He left, he didn't even say goodbye to her"tears betrayed her eyes. Lisa came near the window when her eyes widened. She saw Nicro was standing beside the car talking with someone and by his expression he looked serious. She wiped her tears and took the painting. Lisa slowly comes out of her room. Her parents are not looking at this way. They are busy taking the dishes in the kitchen. She slowly comes out to the house clutching the painting to her chest. 

Lisa hides behind the grass. Nirco was still talking on the phone. By her his dickey is open. Without wasting a minute she climbed to his car to hide herself.

She waited after a few moments when she heard the sound of the car opening. The car moved meant he was driving. 

She is excited and scared too. It's the first time she dared to do something like this fleeing from her house. But still she trusts this man. She knows she will be safe if she is with him. 

The car finally stopped. Nirco got down to the car and went to the abandoned building. After a long time Lisa opened her car dickey and came out. 

She looked at the place. It seems like a horror story set. She gulped in fear. She went to the place with her slow baby steps. 

Darkness surrounds her. Lisa flinched when her feet hit with a glass bottle. The glass bottle roll on the floor causes sound. Her stomach churned in fear. She tightened the hold of the gift in her hand.She started walking. There is only a dim light in the place. She heard some sound from a room. Lisa followed the sound and stood in front of the room where the sound was coming. The sound is coming from there. She tried to listen but nothing was clear. 

And the next moment the door opens. Lisa was about to fall but she balanched herself.The first thing she saw a white shirt which had maybe some stains but due to darkness she couldn't see clearly. She looked up and her heart started beating faster looking at the man in front of her. His brow was furrowed. He looked pissed. 

Nirco was shocked to see the girl in front of him. He was dumbfounded for a minute but then he remembered the situation. He closed the door and came to her. 

"You ?" he said, utterly shocked to see her here. His deep voice is giving her chills. 

"I come to give you these" Lisa raises the painting on his nose causing his nose to hit with it. Nirco rubbed his nose. 

Lisa withdrew the painting. 

"I am sorry, are you alright?" she panicked. Nirco nodded his head. 

"How did you come here?" He asked her with a hard voice crossed his arms on his chest

"I hide inside Your dickey" she mumbled with a low voice. 

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