Chapter -24 part 2

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"The officer approached cautiously, his voice barely above a whisper, 'Sir, we've searched extensively but haven't found her... her body.' Yet, before he could finish, he was met with the man's incandescent gaze, fierce enough to stop him in his tracks.

'Never refer to her as just a body. She is alive. Search again,every inch, every shadow. I must find her," his eyes blazing with an unyielding fire. It had been forty-eight hours since Lisa's tragic fall, forty-eight relentless hours of searching yet they were unable to find any sign of her.


Vincent's smirk twisted into a grotesque smile upon hearing of Lisa's death. The last descendant of Damian Dimitri is no more. His laughter, deranged and triumphant, filled the room as he picked up a photo frame from his desk.

'Your father has exact your revenge, my princess,' he whispered, his fingers caressing the glass. 'May your soul now rest in peace.'

Nirco entered the room, his eyes bloodshot, a torrent of rage flooding through him as he confronted the man he once held in high esteem. This man had extinguished the light of his love, casting his world into an abyss of darkness.

His heart thundering, he faced the man he once called father. 'How could you?' he demanded, his voice trembling with fury and disbelief. 'She was my everything, and you... you've ripped her from me!'

His father stood before him, an unyielding figure, his face etched with silent confessions.

The son's gaze, once filled with admiration, now scorched with accusation.

'That woman's end was justified. She deserved far worse, and if it were up to me, I'd make her a who.....His vile words were abruptly silenced.


Vincent clutched his chest, blood seeping through his fingers. He looked at his son in shock. Nirco had fired the shot.



Vincent collapsed to the floor, his eyes meeting Nirco's in a final gaze of torment.

Nirco stood over him. 'Death would be too merciful. You will suffer for what you've done. Every moment of every day, you will feel the pain you've inflicted upon me. You'll regret the day you dared lay your filthy eyes on my Lisa,' he hissed, each word dripping with venom. Nirco raised his gun once more and fired.


Nirco stood at the precipice, his gaze hollow as he stared into the depths below. He drew his gun, pressing it against his heart. Closing his eyes, Lisa's image filled his mind.

"I curse the day I met you, Nircolas Mickelson. I curse the day I fell for you. I curse the day I married a monster like you,"

"Forgive me, Lisa,' he murmured, a single tear escaping as he pulled the trigger, and the silence was shattered by the sound of gunfire."

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