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"Heartbreak doesn't make noise but it hurts a lot"

She was standing under the cold shower closing her eyes. Her hand was about to grab the shower gel when a large hand caught her small hand. The hair of her back climbed up. She opened her eyes and found him standing beside her. His dark brown eyes are looking at her. Her mouth part. His large hands dropped her hand and caressed her naked wet back. Slowly it came to her breast. Her breath hitchen when his wet finger caressed her bosom. 

'Angel"a sensual whisper came to her ear. Lisa woke up from her sleep sweating. Reality hit her. She wiped the sweat of her forehead

"Never ever had such a wet dream. She can still feel the effect. Her nipples turned hard and her brow furrowed and felt wetness between her legs. She first thought maybe it's her period but it still has some time. 

Lisa searched on google. And her eyes widened reading. She saw some videos. Curiosity took her.Lisa closed the door and opened one of the videos. She closed her eyes but when the sound hit her ear she opened her one eyeA girl was standing in front of the shower full naked and a few moments later a man came. He grabbed her breast with his one hand and entered another one between her legs. The girl was giving a lewd expression and taking out some whimper like she was in pain. 

Lisa shut her laptop. She took a deep breath. She controls herself and deletes all the history. The thing is really new and shocking for her. She never saw something like that. But the thing caused a thrill on her spine. She moved her gaze and her eyes fall on the bandaid

A smile came to her lips seeing the bandaid on her thumb. She gently caresses it. Lisa strips her clothes. She removes the bandaid and puts it in a dry place so that it doesn't get drenched.She strips herself and stands under the shower. The water drenched her. She closed her eyes and again the thought came to her mind. 

"Angel" his deep seductive voice again hit her ear. Lisa bathed quickly and wore her dress. She put the bandaid on her hand. 

Days went away and Lisa's attraction and admiration for Nirco got stronger. She stalked him on the internet. He is a very secret person. She just saw a few articles. There is no mention of his private life. She asked his father who confirmed that Nirco is single and he never saw  her with any girl.This news makes her ecstatic. 

Finally the day came and she waited for 3 months. Lisa slowly came out to her house.A boy was standing outside holding a packet. 

"Did you get it?" Lisa asked Tyler who nodded. A huge smile came to her lips. She took the packet and took out the watch. 

Here the money"she gave him the envelope. Count its full 20000 i will give you 5000 in just a few days ok"Lisa told him. 

"It's ok you can give me the time whenever you want but can i ask you for whom you bought this" Tyler asked curious. His father runs an antique item shop. The watch is really expensive and a rare item.He once took her classmate to his father's shop when Lisa saw this and requested him to give her this. 

It's a secret" she gave him a mysterious smile and ran from there.Tyler stood there. He took out his phone and called a person. 

"Hello" a  voice comes from the other side.

"She is not telling me for whom she bought the watch," Tyler said. His voice is a little sacred. There was Complete silence on the other side after the phone was cut. Tyler gulped hard. 

Lisa wrapped the watch.

Happy birthday to you. This is a small gift for you. I hope you always keep healthy and successful in your life"She wrote the card and glued it in front of the gift wrapper. 

"Handed it in his hand ok" Lisa explained to their driver the old man nodded. 

And don't tell it to dad "she whispered in an audible voice. Their driver nodded and took the gift from her. 

After 2 hours he finally came. Lisa immediately ran to the downtrais she was waiting for the whole time. 

" Did you give it to him?"She asked. Her voice is impatient.

"Sir is not at home but don't worry. I gave it to his driver. He said he will give it to sir" The old man assured her. Lisa was a little sad but then she understood. She said ok and cut the call

Lisa gets ready for the party. She was feeling restless from inside. Today is Nirco's birthday. He invited Danial to come with his whole family. When Lisa got to know it she was very happy. She wore a brown gown. She keeps her hair open. And applied little mascara lip gloss. She applied some foundation. These months she learned small makeup..

"You look beautiful princess' ' Danial complimented her appearance. 

"Thanks dad you also look handsome" She gave a side hug to his father. Tiara can't come as she has to go abroad for a business purpose. 

Lisa entered the room holding Danial's hand. She was feeling nervous seeing so many unknown faces. Her eyes searched for the particular brown eyes hunk who had stolen her heart and peace. The desperation to see him crawled on her mind. It's been three months since she last saw him. Three months later she yearned to see his one glimpse. And it's like God has answered her prayer and she finally saw the man. 

He was wearing a black tuxedo and looked damned handsome ascended from the stairs. Her eyes look at him in admiration. A small smile came to her lips. But then she heard someone whisper and she glanced at the hallway and saw how many womens were looking at him. Indeed he is a stunner who will draw attention. A hot red of jealousy bolted on her heart. A part of Her wanted to hide him from their wistful glances. Her brow furrowed in annoyance. But her annoyed expression turned happy and saw him coming in her direction. It seemed like her heartbeat stopped and saw him coming towards her. 

"Thanks for coming to Danial" Nirco greeted Danial ignoring Lisa. Lisa felt a little disappointment but then she shook it. Her eyes fall on his wrist. He was wearing a watch but it's not the one she gifted him. She felt a flicker of hurt. But then she convinced herself that maybe it didn't go well on his suit so he did not wear it.

"Nirco" Lisa focused shift on the sweet voice coming from behind. A very tall beautiful women come stand beside her. She was wearing a beautiful white gown. She looks gorgeous. 

"But who is she? And why was she standing by him" Lisa thought. 

"This is" Before Lisa could say something Danial questioned Nirco seeing the women beside her. 

"She is Alina.My girlfriend" Nirco blunted those words without thinking what his words did to the girl who was stealing his every glimpse from time to time. Lisa felt  like someone snatched the ground from her feet.She looked at the women and then him. Tears welled up in her eyes.

There is a another chapter for you guys. Don't worry I assure you Nirco is only for Lisa.Stay tuned and please do like and comment share your opinion.

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