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Lisa is looking at the tree Where a momma bird was feeding her baby bird. Seeing this she remembers her mom. Although they talk everyday, she still misses her. Lisa sighed. 

"What are you thinking Lisa?" Sarah asked her, looking in the direction. 

"Nothing" Lisa spoke and got up from the grass. Lisa collage bought them on a study tour. It's quite cold here. Lisa wears her gloves to keep her hand warm. 

Every student here was giving Lisa and Sarah a weird glance or an angry glance. Lisa knows the reason. They all are angry with her for what happened in Logan's birthday party. Nirco bodyguards did not let them go until they finished 25 shots, not just that they even forced them to stay in the swimming pool for hours. And they all blame Lisa for that. They are waiting for an opportunity so that they can punish her. 

"Fucking bitch. We have to teach her a lesson. For this slut I was sick for two days" Viker, one of the boys, said. He is the one who threw Lisa's phone in the ice bucket. 

"I have a plan " one of the girls said with an evil smile and all of them got close to hear the plan. 

Lisa was drinking water when she felt a presence behind her. She turned back and found the same boys and girl from the party. Lisa looked at them confused. 

"We are sorry Lisa. We understand our mistakes. We all want to apologise to you" They all said with a fake guilty voice.Lisa brow furrowed. She found them suspicious. But still she nodded her head accepting their apology. 

"It's ok. But I want you to apologise to Sarah too" Lisa said and they all agreed which surprised her.

"We all wanted to treat you to a meal. Please don't refuse. If you accept that then we will think that you forgive us' ' Viker said. Lisa's suspicion got stronger and she understood they were just faking it but she didn't react and agreed. 


Viker and the other student dug the hole. They all have evil smiles on their faces. Their plan is to throw Lisa in this hole and then put this snake and frog and garbage on her. This will be the best punishment for her.

"Why this bitch is still not coming?" Lia, one of the girls, said. She has a huge crush on Logan and seeing Logan's interest in Lisa she was jealous of Lisa. 

"Uff just shut up this bitch. She is giving me a headache" Viker said annoyedly. He is already frustrated and Lia's constant talking is making him more angry. 

The students are getting impatient. Lisa has still no whereabouts. 

Suddenly their torch got off. They all are shocked seeing this. 

"Now what the fuck happened with them" Viker cursed and slap his torchlight other also do the samething but its not working. Soon a strong wind comes and blows the fire of the flare. The whole place was dark and now nobody can see anything. 

Lia jumped on her place when she heard a loud laugh behind her. Soon the whole jungle was filled with laughing sounds. Everyone got scared. 

"W...what is happening here? Franklin, one of the boys, spoke with a fear-filled voice. All of their throats dry. Viker also feels sacred. The sound became louder and everyone got scared. They all tried to run but after a few steps they all fell on the hole they prepared for Lisa. They didn't notice it in the dark. 

"Remove from me you fatso" Viker pushed one of the boys who was on him. Lia is shaking like a leaf as well as others. 

"Are we gonna die here? Viker did something" Lia cried. 

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