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The room was dimly lit, the only light coming from a small barred window high up on the wall. Lisa stirred, her head pounding with a dull ache, and slowly, the fog in her mind began to lift. The last thing she remembered was walking to her class from the library, the streetlights casting long shadows on the pavement. Then... nothing. Panic started to set in as she realised she was not in her own bed, not in her own room.

She tried to move, but her limbs felt heavy, her movements sluggish. Her eyes scanned the room, taking in the stark, bare walls, the door that looked too sturdy, too final. She was alone, utterly alone, with the weight of her situation pressing down on her chest. She had to remember, had to piece together how she ended up here, but every attempt to grasp a memory was like trying to catch smoke with her bare hands.

The name "Nircolas" struck her mind with force. He must be fraught with worry, not finding her at the college.

Rising from the bed, Lisa faltered but managed to steady herself. She surveyed her surroundings. Where was she? What was this place?

She hastened to the door, and to her astonishment, it swung open. She stepped out into what appeared to be an antiquated dwelling.

"You're awake," a voice, familiar yet chilling, caused her to startle. Her eyes, wide with shock, met the figure behind her, and for a moment, she was rendered speechless.

"Logan," she breathed in disbelief. He had abducted her, but for what purpose? He had been absent, vanished as if into thin air. Anger bubbled within her.

"How dare you bring me here," she lashed out, her voice seething with fury. Yet, he remained motionless, a smirk playing on his lips as if he relished the moment.

"Return me at once, or you'll regret it," she threatened, but he was unmoved.

Taking a deep breath, Lisa composed herself.

"Listen, Logan, I don't understand why you've taken me. What is your grievance with me? If this is some twisted affection, know that I am a married woman. I have a husband, so it would be wise for you to rein in your emotions and keep your distance," she said, attempting to maintain her calm.

"Husband?" Logan's chuckle was derisive, as if the word were the punchline to a joke.

Lisa's shock was palpable. Was he deranged? What was so humorous?

"Oh, so he's your husband because you're married to him. But are you aware of the truth about your husband?" The mirth vanished from Logan's face, replaced by a grave seriousness.

"What are you trying to say?" Lisa inquired, confusion lacing her words.

"So, you know nothing of the man you call your husband. Very well, allow me to enlighten you," Logan intoned.

"Do you know your husband's true name?"

"Yes, I do," Lisa responded.

"And do you know the name of the person who murdered your parents?"

Lisa was taken aback. How did he know of her parents' demise?

"It's irrelevant how I came by the information. Answer me, do you know the identity of your parents' killer?" he pressed.

Lisa strained to remember, but her mind was a void.

"Vincent," the name struck her like a bolt of lightning.

"Correct, Vincent," she murmured.

"Vincent Mickelson. Father of Nircolas Mickelson. Your husband's father is the murderer of your parents," Logan declared, dropping the revelation like a bombshell.

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