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I want you to get so lost in me that you never find your way out..

Lisa closed her room door and took a deep breath. She touches her face which is burning. Her hand went to her cheeks and she remembered him. The way he caressed her cheeks. Lisa blushed hard.She bite her lips to control the smile


Do you like Lisa?"Nirco questioned Shawn with a solemn tone. 

Shawn's eyes widened hearing him. 

"No uncle, what are you saying? She is like a sister to me like Sarah.How could you even think about it. Shawn denied with a firm voice. He is still surprised.

Then why Mr.Joseph thinks that you like her" His expression is blank but his voice was stern. 

Shawn thought a little. "Maybe because I call her beautiful so uncle Peter misunderstands," Shawn told him. 

"Stop calling her that" Nirco voice was a little loud now. 

"But why? Shawn asked, not understanding. He didn't see any wrong for her to call that. 

"Because it causes suspicion. So stop calling her with any endrement. Got it" Nirco voice turn rigid. 

"Ok then I will call her by her name from now on," Shawn said to him. 

"No. Don't call her by her name" Nirco burst out. Shawn was a little shocked seeing him like this. 

"Then what should I call her?" He questioned him. 

"Call her sister, " Nirco said calmly. 

"Sister" Shawn scrunched his nose. It sounds so odd.

"Yes sister. Why didn't you say you saw her as a sister then what problem to call her with that '' Nirco cocked his brow. He sounded angry. 

"Yes uncle but sister is so weird. I mean it sounds so old and I am sure she won't also like it if I call her sister" Shawn tried to make him understand. 

Nirco thought a little and he also agreed. 

"Then call her by something else which don't cause any suspicion " Nirco told him grabbed the glass of water

"Like Aunt" Shawn said and the water fell from Nirco's mouth hearing him. He coughed and gave her a skunk eye.

Shawn bites his lip to control his laugh.

"Whatever now just gets lost" Nirco snapped at him wiping his mouth.

Shawn didn't say anything and left the place. 

He let out his laughter which he was holding back.

"So his uncle is into Lisa. Well it will be fun" he thought mentally. 

Nirco entered the house at night. He rubbed his neck it was aching badly. He was about to go upstairs when he heard some noise from the hallroom. 

"Cheater, cheater you again cheat" Nirco followed the sound. It took him to the hallroom. He saw Silas, Shawn, Sarah and Lisa playing some game. But what caught his eyes was that they all had sticky notes on their face and even some kind of funny drawing was drawn on their face.Nirco crossed his arm. 

What is happening here?"he asked them. Silas looked at him. 

"Uncle we are playing cards and whoever loses we draw pictures on their face and put sticky notes on their face" Silas told him excitedly. Nirco looked at Lisa's side but her back was facing him. He can't saw her face. But suddenly she turned back. Her eyes are teary and lips are put in a sad pout. But that's not the thing Nirco noticed. He saw her whole face has lot of sticky note and funny drawing. It was on her full face more than anyone silas shawn and sarah. 

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