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Lisa woke up, groaning in pain. Her entire body ached as if it had been through a tempest. She opened her eyes, greeted by the familiar ceiling. Glancing to the side, she found Nirco absent. Lisa tugged the bed sheet around her body.

With unsteady legs, she made her way to the washroom. The mirror reflected her disheveled appearance. Memories of last night's passionate encounter flooded her mind—the raw desire, the intensity. Her body bore the evidence of their unbridled connection. The purple hickey on her neck blazed like a secret mark, branding her.

Lisa emerged from the washroom, clad in a bathrobe. The bedsheet was conspicuously absent, and flower petals lay scattered across the floor and bed. The room whispered of intimacy, a silent witness to their shared fire.

A knock on the door interrupted Lisa's thoughts. The maid, a woman in her late twenties, entered the room. Lisa blushed and offered an smile. The maid responded with a polite one.

"Your clothes are in the wardrobe," the maid informed her, busying herself with tidying up the room.

Lisa opened the wardrobe and discovered an array of dresses.  As she reached into the first drawer, her heart raced. 


The thought crossed her mind: Did he buy all this? The idea that he knew her size made her cheeks flush. She bit her lip and selected a pair of undergarments.

When Lisa emerged from the washroom, the maid had vanished, leaving behind a neat and orderly space. On the side table, Lisa noticed a painkiller with a note underneath it:

"Take it and come down for breakfast."

Lisa smiled at the note, appreciating the care. She swallowed the pill with a gulp of water.

Descending the stairs, Lisa's breath caught as she saw the man seated at the dining table. He cut his steak with precision, exuding an air of confidence. His sea-green shirt and black pants accentuated his handsome features. His hair was immaculately styled—a true embodiment of perfection.

Lisa approached the table, and Nirco paused mid-bite, his gaze locking onto her. Her heart skipped a beat; she felt both nervous and intrigued. He gestured for her to sit in the chair next to him. Within moments, a sumptuous meal appeared before her.

"Pancakes and Italian toast—her favorites," he said, as if he remembered her preferences. Lisa took a bite, savoring the flavors, unaware of the effect her simple act had on the man beside her, who watched her every move with intense scrutiny. 

Nirco couldn't tear his gaze away from Lisa as she sat across the table from him, innocently enjoying her breakfast. Her every movement was like a tantalizing dance, stirring something primal within him. He couldn't believe how much she had consumed his thoughts ever since he laid eyes on her.

The way she put the spoon to her lips, the way her eyes sparkled with happiness, the way she licked her lips to savor the chocolate smeared on them – it was all driving him to madness. His desire for her was consuming, almost uncontrollable. He bit his lip in frustration, torn between wanting to be gentle with her and wanting to ravage her.

Memories of the previous night flooded his mind, sending a wave of heat through him. He had tried to be gentle,But the moment he touched her, all control had slipped away. The way she responded to him, the way she clung to him, had left him aching for more.

As he gulped down his water, his eyes never strayed from Lisa. He watched as she brought the orange juice to her lips, parting them slightly as she took a sip. The image was enough to make his body thrum with need. He couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to have her mouth wrapped around his cock, to feel her lips moving against him in pure ecstasy.

Fuck, he will be in heaven that time. He could practically feel her little mouth around his cock, her innocent eyes looking up at him with a mixture of lust and desire. He wanted her so badly, he craved her in ways he never knew were possible.

The thought sent a shiver down his spine. He wanted to taste every inch of her, to explore every part of her body . He wanted to introduce her to a world of passion and pleasure that she had never known before.

And as he looked at her innocent face, he knew that he was willing to do whatever it took to make her as his. He would show her the depths of desire, the intensity of love He would show her a world of pleasure and love that she had never imagined, and he would make sure that she never wanted to leave.

Sex is a new thing to him. Lisa is his first. 

Nirco had always been a reserved and loyal man when it came to relationships.

He had always been a loyal man, never straying from his commitment to Alina.He knew she would be his future wife,so he remained loyal to her. Alina wanted to wait until marriage before getting intimate, and he respected her wish..

He had never felt any desire towards any woman he had met before. 

But then Lisa came into his life, a 19-year-old girl with a sweetness that seemed to penetrate his hard exterior. Her smile was like a ray of sunshine that seemed to brighten up Nirco's world. Despite his best efforts to stay away from her, she had managed to break down the walls he had built around his heart.

She was too innocent, too pure for the darkness that clung to Nirco. Yet, he couldn't release her from his grasp. He would dismantle everything before he'd let her slip away.

"What are you thinking?" Lisa's voice pulled him from his reverie. He turned to look in her direction. Her eyes, as dark as midnight, radiated warmth.

She was too innocent for this world, too pure. She didn't belong here, yet he couldn't bear to let her go. 

"Nothing,"he replied curtly, silencing her further inquiries. 


Later, in their room, Nirco stormed in, breath ragged, anger etched across his features. Lisa froze, her hands stilling as she folded clothes. His watch slammed onto the table, veins bulging in his temples, jaw clenched.

"What happened?" Lisa's voice trembled, courage warring with fear. His crimson eyes bore into her, and she swallowed hard.

Nirco inhaled deeply, restraining his fury. His gaze swept over her—orange floral dress, hair adorned with two clips. His anger surged at her childlike attire.

Nirco's internal turmoil churned as he observed Lisa's attire. The orange floral dress and the two hair clips seemed to amplify his frustration. "You're a married woman," he reproached, his voice laced with disappointment. "Not a 5-year-old. Why dress like a child Lisa"?

Yet beneath his irritation lay a deeper conflict. Lisa's youthful appearance stirred conflicting emotions within him. He despised his own desires, the way he lusted after this 19-year-old girl. To reconcile it, he needed to see her as a grown woman, as his wife.

The struggle between lust and self-loathing waged on, leaving him torn and uncertain. 

"I need a shower. Go and take off your clothes. I am coming in 10 minutes," he told her, leaving the room. 

Lisa stood frozen in shock, her heart pounding in her chest. She couldn't believe what Nirco had just said to her. The thought of him wanting to shower with her made her blush with embarrassment.

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