Chapter 17

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Lisa trembled as the weight of Nirco's words settled upon her. "Marriage"-a word that held both promise and fear. She glanced at him, her trust in his eyes. Nirco's touch was gentle, a lifeline in the storm of emotions.

"I know this is sudden," Nirco's voice wavered, "but I'm doing it for you." His desperation was palpable. Nineteen years old, and she stood on the precipice of a life-altering decision. He hadn't wanted it this way, but circumstances had forced his hand.

"But I need to talk to my parents," Lisa stammered. "They deserve to know."

"I've already spoken to your father," Nirco assured her. "He gave his permission."

Lisa's surprise was evident. Her dad, usually stern and protective, had agreed? "Why?" she asked, her mind racing.

"He loves you," Nirco said, sincerity etching lines on his face. "This marriage is the only way to keep you safe."

Lisa studied his eyes, searching for truth. Confusion swirled within her. "Yes or no?" Nirco's question hung in the air, urgent and fragile.

"O...okay," Lisa finally whispered. Nirco exhaled, relief flooding his features.

Later, outside the doctor's cabin, Lisa waited. Nirco had insisted on this visit, though she felt perfectly well. His footsteps interrupted her thoughts.

"Lets go," he said, and Lisa snapped back to reality. "Where?" she asked, bewildered.

"You'll find out," he replied, avoiding her gaze.

Following him, Lisa's breath caught when they arrived at the church. Its unadorned walls held secrets and promises. She wiped away tears, realizing she had no wedding dress. This wasn't how she'd imagined it.

Nirco's voice broke through her turmoil. "Get down." Lisa stepped out, her heart racing. Inside the church, the priest awaited them. No grandeur, just vows exchanged-a quiet union born of necessity.

And as Lisa and Nirco stood there, their hands trembling, they became each other's lifelines in a world that had conspired against them. The church walls bore witness to their silent promises.

The church stood unadorned, devoid of celebration. Lisa's heart clenched; she hadn't anticipated this kind of wedding. No bridal gown, no flowers-just raw necessity. She wiped her tears with the back of her hand, her emotions a tempest.

Nirco spoke to the priest, and their vows echoed through the quiet space. "You may kiss the bride," the priest intoned. Lisa's skirt bunched in her fists. This kiss held weight, despite their past intimacy. She closed her eyes, waiting for Nirco's lips to meet hers.

But when they did, it was fleeting-a cold press against warmth. A second, and he pulled away. Lisa's heart raced, her mind a whirlwind of confusion.

In the car, Nirco remained silent, lost in thought. Lisa glanced at her empty finger. A ring-she'd hoped for at least that. But Nirco's gaze followed hers, and realization dawned. He'd forgotten the ring, urgency blinding him.

Then chaos erupted. A gunshot shattered the air, and Nirco swerved. Cars pursued them, bullets aimed not at him but at Lisa. Fear gripped her; she cowered, trembling.

"Get down!" Nirco's command cut through her panic. Lisa obeyed, clutching his phone. Stefan-she dialed his number, praying for safety.

"Boss," Stefan's voice crackled.

"Come immediately," Nirco urged. The chase intensified, but Nirco's eyes never left Lisa. Vincent wouldn't relent; danger loomed.

Lisa's trembling subsided. She rose, meeting her husband's gaze. His voice, soft as a whisper, asked, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," Lisa replied, concern etching her eyes. "And you?"

Nirco nodded, but his turmoil remained unspoken.

Unlocking the car door, Lisa stepped out. The familiarity of the house tugged at her memories-Lisa blush, their past encounter. But now, it held a different weight.

A woman in her thirties approached. "She is Amanda," Nirco introduced. "If you need anything, just tell her."

Lisa nodded, her gaze lingering on Nirco. Wasn't he coming inside too? His words dispelled her confusion. "I have some work. Go with Amanda and rest. I'll be back tonight."

As Nirco drove away, Amanda led Lisa to his room.

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