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The man screamed when the hot dagger slowly entered his burning flesh. The sacred girl on the floor sees everything with her horrified eyes. Her eyes went to the dead man who was lying on the floor. His body parts are scattered on the floor. She saw how brutally he was tortured and then killed by him. And now the other man after them it's her turn. 

"Please kill me" The man begged to end his life. He can't take it anymore. But Nirco has no expression.. His eyes are blank. But anybody can see the undertone of anger and rage under those brown orbs. 

"Cut his hands, " Nirco ordered his man. The man started screaming. Two men hold his body and the next moment his hands are cut by his body. 

Nirco was not satisfied. He wanted to torture him more. Nirco moved his eyes to the girl who was shivering in fear. He clenched his fist to control him not to tear this whore in pieces.

Lia was about to faint seeing the cruel act. In front of her eyes the man was cut by pieces. 

"Get the girl" Nirco ordered his man lit his cigarette. 

The next moment Lia was thrown in front of him. Tied her "he commanded his man. 

" Please forgive me sir please forgive me. I can do anything.please give me a chance"Lia begged. 

"Anything" Nirco smirked 

"Anything sir"she pleaded to give him a lusty look. 

" leave"Nirco command his man and they leave without saying a word taking those body

"Remove your clothes and lie there" Nirco showed her the bed.Lia breathed in relief. Lia went to the bed and removed her clothes. She was waiting for him. But Nirco did not come, not even he looked at her. 

Lia took up and her heart come to a stomach seeing the burned coal which was now slowly falling from her body. Her horrified scream echoed the room

"....Ahhhh ''the burning coal was falling from her body, burning her body slowly. She was screaming for help but nobody heard her plea.

" You told those fuckers to burn my Lisa. Now bear the consequences bitch"Nirco closed his eyes and puffed his cigarette. 

After 2 hours finally her scream stopped. There is nothing left except her flesh. Nirco got up and finally left the place. 


Lisa is looking at the goldfish absentmindedly. She was thinking about the incident that happened 3 days ago. 


Lisa went to meet Sarah for her piano lesson. She went to the reception. There is a middle aged woman typing on the computer.

"Hello Can I meet Sarah Monorav?" Lisa asked the lady. The lady immediately searched for the name. Lisa noticed how she furrowed her brow.

"What's the name you said?" she asked her without looking at the computer.

"Sarah Monorav," Lisa told her. 

"Sorry but there is no one in this surname," the lady informed her. 

Lisa was a little shocked. She again check the address on her phone. 

It's the same place.But the receptionist can be mistaken right "Lisa sighed and about to leave when the Receptionist called her behind. Lisa comes to the desk. 

" Are you sure its Sarah Monorav not Sarah Michelson "The receptionist asked her. 

" Yeah, I am sure its Sarah Monorav "Lisa told her firmly. 

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