Chapter 25

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Three years later

The air was thick with smoke and the unmistakable scent of lust. Men and women were engaged in open acts of passion, with a few women dancing seductively to the intoxicating rhythm. But amidst this display of desire, there was one woman who stood out from the rest.

She was dressed in a stunning white Arabian gown, her face veiled with an air of mystery. Her graceful movements captivated the room, drawing the lustful gaze of every man present. Adorned with a diamond necklace accentuating her swan-like neck, she exuded an aura of elegance and sensuality.

One man, in particular, in his late forties, couldn't tear his eyes away from her. His gaze traveled hungrily over her form, his longing evident in every glance. With a lustful smile, he inquired about her identity.

"Who is she?" he asked, stroking his white beard.

"That's Venessa, our most talented dancer," the waitress replied, beaming with pride.

Determined to possess her, the man handed the waiter a blank check. "Send her to my room, and name your price. This beauty is priceless," he declared with a mix of desire and lust.

"Ok sir, I will send her. You go and rest," the waiter said with a smile as he took the check from the table.

30 minutes later, a young woman in her early 20s entered the room with a confident and alluring presence. Her deep black eyes met the gaze of the man sitting at the table, a lascivious smile playing on his lips. With a graceful movement, she dropped her veil, revealing her stunning features.

"Strip," the man commanded, his gaze filled with lust. He was only clad in his underwear, his protruding stomach and yellowed teeth on full display. His disgusting grin sent a shiver down her spine.

The woman smirked and let out a hearty laugh, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Strip for whom, you ask?" she teased, her laughter ringing through the room.

The man's expression turned from desire to rage in an instant. "You fucking wh-" he started to say, but before he could finish his sentence, a sharp blade sliced through his tongue, cutting him off abruptly. The room fell silent, save for the sound of the man's muffled cries of pain.

The girl stepped forward and gazed down at the man's unconscious body sprawled on the floor. With a wicked grin, she pressed her heel against his face, applying more and more pressure.

"Does this hurt?" she asked in a mockingly concerned tone.

The man, struggling to regain consciousness, managed a feeble nod.

"I enjoy torturing my victims," she continued, her voice chillingly calm. "I won't stop until they're begging for mercy. It brings me a sense of peace and satisfaction."

Her eyes then landed on a belt lying on the bed. She picked it up, a sinister smirk playing on her lips.

"You enjoy torturing. don't you? Well, let me show you a little something," she taunted as she tightly gripped the belt in her hand.

The man's expression turned to pure horror as he realized the danger he was in. The girl looked like a vengeful angel, ready to unleash her wrath upon him.

"Here we go," she declared, delivering a powerful blow with the belt.


Behind the door:

"Ugh, she's too cruel," Ryan muttered, shedding his waiter uniform.

"Why are you taking that off? You look fantastic in it, like it's made for you," Neil teased, lighting a cigarette.

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