Chapter -16

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Nirco's heart raced as he answered the call. The voice on the other end was familiar, yet it sent shivers down his spine. The past had caught up with him, and he couldn't escape it any longer.

The large building loomed ahead, its cold facade matching Nirco's resolve. Vincent, the man who haunted his nightmares, stood waiting. His mocking smile revealed years of bitterness, and his eyes mirrored Nirco's own-gray and unyielding.

"You still remember me," Vincent taunted. "I thought you'd forgotten, just like you forgot your thirst for revenge."

Nirco's gaze never wavered. "I haven't forgotten anything."

"Kill that girl," Vincent ordered, his voice dripping with malice.

"She's innocent," Nirco replied, his tone hard.

"My daughter was innocent too," Vincent screamed, his anger echoing through the empty corridors.

Nirco clenched his fists, controlling the rage. "You've already taken your revenge. Her parents are dead. She was just a child then-it's not her fault."

"It is her fault," Vincent spat. "Her crime? Being Damian Kale's daughter. She's the reason my daughter took her own life-your sister died."

"You won't harm her," Nirco warned, his voice icy.

Vincent's shock was palpable. He knew Nirco's stubbornness well.

"Have you forgotten your sister?" Vincent shouted.

"I love her more than you can imagine," Nirco said firmly. "But Lisa is innocent. I won't let you hurt her."

Vincent's eyes narrowed. "Did you love her?"

"That's none of your business," Nirco replied, avoiding eye contact.

"When she learns you're the son of her father's murderer," Vincent's words cut through Nirco like a blade, "she'll hate you."

Nirco's throat went dry. For the first time, fear gripped him the fear of losing her.


Lisa stirred from her sleep, drawn by distant sounds downstairs. Rubbing her eyes, she stumbled out of bed. As she reached the landing, what she saw froze her in place: Sarah, Silas, and Shawn were there, their expressions grave.

Their faces etched with worry, stood before her, suitcases in hand. Sarah's voice broke through the confusion.

"Lisa," she said, and Lisa's gaze snapped to her. "We're going to the States to live with Mom and Dad."

Lisa's mind raced. Why this sudden upheaval? Why now? She stammered, "But... why?"

Sarah's eyes held a sadness Lisa had never seen before. "Uncle made the decision. Early this morning, he told us to pack our bags. It's all for our safety, he said."

Before Lisa could protest, their bodyguards ushered them away. Sarah hugged her tightly, tears welling up. Silas and Shawn followed suit, their embraces conveying unspoken emotions.

And then they were gone, leaving Lisa alone in the echoing house. She sat on her bed, bewildered and anxious. What was happening? Why had Nirco decided this?

As night fell, Lisa powered down her laptop after finishing her college work. The room felt colder without them. Nirco, too, was absent. She lay down, exhaustion pulling at her eyelids.

But then, a touch-a gentle caress on her cheek. Lisa's eyes flew open. Nirco sat beside her, his expression inscrutable. His presence both comforted and unnerved her.

"Nirco," she whispered, sitting up. "What's going on?"

His words cut through the air like a blade. "Let's get married."

Lisa's heart stuttered. Had she misheard? "What?"

He repeated it, firmer this time. "Let's get married."

The room spun, and Lisa's mind raced. She hadn't expected this. Not now, not like this. But Nirco's eyes held a determination she couldn't ignore.

**Author's Note:**

I am finally back. I sincerely apologize for my sudden disappearance. I have been struggling to find motivation to write or think, which is why it took me so long to return. However, I am immensely grateful to all of you who continued reading my book during my absence.

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