love is love

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Chapter 28

Place the Cobra King under arrest pending an investigation. YOU WILL ALL REGRET THIS! The cobra king yelled aloud. Is there anything else commander? Yes sir she sat trembling. I agreed to double cross King Solo with Lieutenant to keep him as an ally to keep our enemy close and gain his trust but I never betrayed my king nor my country not once.

As I stated previously I was sent to protect King Solo from our enemies my mission was successful we prevailed and he lives thank the seven Gods. It was said I was in line to be a priestess to keep his eyes sharp and to stop him from falling in love with me and for me to not love him. She wiped her eyes it didn't work I was undercover but I failed my people because I fell in love with the king of Black Lumi when I should not have. It is hard not to love such a loving and honorable Lumi.

I may have been undercover but my love was not it was 100% real. Benediction and Sincere were smiling they nudged Solo who wiped his eyes. King Solo forgive me for not remaining 100% professional and straying from the original intent of my assignment. She stood to attention saluting him. At ease Commander Solo said his voice shaky.

Ash got in her chair rolling out past Solo she never looked at him. Solos's grandmother darted him a look of upset causing him to look down. This inquest is adjourned King Solo you are cleared of all charges and the planet known as Black Lumi shall be returned to your custody this day.

The people of Black Lumi watching the live inquest celebrated in the streets of frozen earth they were going home.

Solo popped up running out the room he ran down the steps and to the court yard. Ash..she looked up at Solo who bent down to look her in the eye I love you too can you forgive an old fool?

Yes! Solo picked her up kissing her as people in the court yard clapped and smiled at their union. Solo whisked Ash off to his palace on Exchange world to finally love her the way she deserved.

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