The Break-Up

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Hello everyone. I'm sorry it's almost been a month or so since the last time I updated my idea, but I never quit on the Bad Guys. It's my favorite movie, and I have to keep going. So, here's my new chapter. Remember, this is a flashback chapter, so this took place 4 years ago before the current timeline. Enjoy!



Mr. Wolf: Yeah! I'm bad!

Mr. Snake: You're bad!

Ms. Tarantula: He's bad!

Mr. Hornet: She's bad!

Mr. Piranha: We're bad!

Mr. Shark: Who's bad?

The Bad Guys: Yeah!
We're the Bad Guys!


Tarantula and Hornet were watching 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon' as their movie date night. Hornet had his head at Tarantula's side, and she wrapped an arm around him. The movie ended, and the credits rolled up.

Tarantula stretched her arms after a long hour of watching the movie with her boyfriend, "Man, I really like that movie!"

Hornet got up from Tarantula's side while the remote was next to him, "Yeah. That was really cool! Wanna watch another one?"

"No thanks, but I do need more popcorn for dinner," Tarantula looked down in her empty popcorn basket, and gave it to Hornet, "Can you get one for me please?"

Hornet sighed sharply, "All right," he flew to the kitchen while carrying the popcorn bucket.

Hornet placed the bucket and himself on the dining table. He started to wonder if this is what his life would be if he continued dating Tarantula and spent the rest of his life with her; doing her every wish and serving her. Plus, Hornet thought there was a spark between them when they started dating 7 months ago, but he didn't feel anything. There's nothing he could feel for Tarantula. He liked her, but not in that way.

Hornet wanted to get out of this relationship or he'll bore himself to death. What should he do?

Piranha was cleaning one of the glass cups when he noticed Hornet frowning at the dining table. Piranha put the glass and the napkin down, and approached Hornet, sitting on his high chair.

"Well, somebody's happy with his date, but that's not the happy face of a good date!" He chuckled! But he stopped, seeing that Hornet didn't find that funny.

Hornet knew he could trust his best friend as he confessed with a sigh, "It's not about the date, Piranha. Webs is great, but... it's like I didn't feel any romance between us, and I made all of her requests," he tilted the popcorn bucket beside him, "By getting her more popcorn."

"Why don't you just break up with her if you don't have feelings for her anymore?" Piranha suggested.

"I can't do that, she'll be heartbroken," Hornet whispered in panic, "Besides if she felt heartbroken, means she's going to eat me."

"So, what are you going to do? Wait for her to break up with you?" the smaller fish asked.

This question just gave Hornet an idea, "That is a great idea! Piranha, thank you!" He flew up and hugged Piranha by his cheek.

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