Chapter 4

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So the following day wasnt bad chopped it up with symone in first period started to make some friends in second and then came third period I still sat in back ya know the order it went in nothing fancy. Then comes lunch time dunwoody before the Michelle obama act about healthy foods had multiple goodies and snacks filled in all the vending machines it was literally like junk food heaven. So I'm cracking jokes with the fellow wildcats (school mascot) and we're socializing and what not then symone walks by with her friend and me being the guy that I am I shouted "hey bae can you buy me lunch" and she starts laughing and says "umm isnt that suppose to be the other way around, like you buy me lunch" then I hit her with the "you see I would but im broke soooo can ya" then she looks at me and laugh and says "no" and walks away. As shes walking im staring admiring the way her dress compliments her body and figure. So thursday a.k.a the day of our first AFJROTC social comes around and like I invisioned me and symone and about 48 other try hards attended this thing it was in the gym and the theme was team dodgeball. Well at least their theme was mine was get alone with symone, so after the roll call and the introduction we finally got things going our class or "Flight" was up first and like the good sport I am I particpated in said activites. Our flight ended up winning and since we won we were able to sit out the first few matches and I used that time to get to know symone as a person and what not. I also think that she was able to sense my flirtatious tone cause she hit me with the "I have a boyfriend" line in my mind I thought she was just tryna get me away from her so I questioned her and it turned out she reallt did have a boyfreind who attented another school his name was terrance. Ive dealt with girls who have dated other people who attented other schools so i wasnt worried about it cause in my mind I knew things were gonna change not only that she also clamied she was bisexual which wasnt a big deal either cause imean if she has a bf and claim shes bi then that cant really be a big deal I guess, but hey it didnt stop me from making her mines. There was something off about her tho something I couldnt really put my finger on. It seemed like the more we talked and got to know each other the more the look in her eyes desperately begged for help. I thought I was just going crazy and seeing things so ignored it and focused all my attention to her by the end of the social I had knew a few things about symone and her life. As we sit Outside and she waits for her father and I wait for my stepmother I open my arms and offer her a hug she looks at me with this look, a look that I cant describe and finally after about five minutes of my arms being open she finally comes in for the hug and while we are hugging I get this vibe from her its a like a cold chill and it runs up my spine, and as she gets in the car I watch from a distance and when. She pulls off I come from my secluded area and think to myself what was that feeling, it almost felt like she was hurt and broken and on the verge of never being heard from again.....or maybe I was just a goofy teenager who thought to much. A few weeks go by and its almost like me and symone were everywhere together we skipped lunch to go eat in the forum near the auditorium we came to class together we also had our whole 3rd period thinking we dated on the low, Its kinda hard to deny it when your always spending time with one person coming to class at the same time and eventually we ended up sitting next to each other in third period and in first period, we were basically inseperable. We also joined the drill team after school so yea every tuesday and Thursday we got to see each others faces just a little longer after school things seemed to be heading In the right direction....that is until October came

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