Chapter 9

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Jealousy.....she was jealous and it took me so long to realize that I'm not usually the type to jump to conclusion, but in this instance I should've. I didn't see why though I mean I left her alone and I didn't smack her butt anymore I actually treated her like a friend you know, I kept my distance. But appearently I lead her on is what Jay told me one night while we were on the phone kiking each other she explained symones and any other girls feelings to me. She was explaining that a simple smack on the butt could show a girl that your interested in them answer the fact that me and symone flirted for so long I basically made it seem like she was the only one for me. "That's bullshit" I thought "she has a boyfriend and if you ask me she looks and seems happy". "So why would she get mad when I finally moved on and left her alone?" I thought to myself. "Because dumbass" jay exclaimed "she obviously likes you". "What the hell did I get myself into" I thought I was just fucking around I slap a lot females asses what about me made her like me. My only argument that whole night was that she had a boyfriend. And I wasn't the type to ruin long relationships cause symone explained to me before she started tripping that she was coming up on a years relationship I was happy for her I really was I had no beef what so ever. But jay kept explaining to me that this doesnt mean anything because we were always together and maybe she started to develop feelings and what not. Also told me that I lead women on.....I'm thinking how in the hell do I lead people on. And it all revolved back to the flirtatious convos the smacking of the booty and also the long huggs. "Ehh" was the only word I managed to produce. Then jay told me I should apologize for throwing the chips and actually talk to her. "No promises" I told her but knowing damn well I would apologize tomorrow I just didnt know when. Lunch time comes around me and destiny still dating and me and symone still not talking to each other and today I wasnt feeling it, so I walked to the library and my friend nick opened the door so I talked to him for awhile and then I felt as if somebody was behind so I turn around and saw that it was symone I didnt say a word I just told nick that I would talk to him later. So Im in the library and I know symone is in here also but like I said I wasn't in the mood so I make my way to a table to sit down and skim through a book and before I sit down I notice that symone sits at the same table as me "The fuck!?!?" I thought to myself, Why would she sit here knowing damn well we are mad at each other. So we both sit down and its obvious that we both have attitudes towards each other, but I hate awkward moments so I break the silence. "How long are you gonna be mad at me" I ask with a smirk on my face she looks at me then back down at her book "why does that matter" she asks "because dammit, why are you really mad at me wtf have I done to you your mad at me over some damn chips that I threw at you" I say in a very angrily tone "you deserved it you were talking shyt about destiny and she didnt even do anything to you" I say before she can even answer my first question. As she is starting to answer my question I look her in her eyes and I see the same help me look I saw the day of the social. But I couldnt focus on that right now, I was waiting to hear her response. "Because Roland you would spend all of your time with me, and its like I dont even matter to you anymore your giving her all of my time". "Your time" I think to myself "you have a boyfriend" I replied. She was silent, and then I said "ok im sorry for neglecting you and being a shitty friend" she looked at me and it seems as if she was happy when I told her I was happy. By the end of the lunch break I had got my best friend back we were now on good terms. And by the end of the week we would be on even better terms....

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