Chapter 23

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The first month or so went by pretty good, I still couldnt believe that we've dated for a whole month. It was kinda weird though, but not in the literal sense weird as in people coming up to us saying awww you guys are cute, we knew this would happen, yall are cute together though. I was actually happy to be honest and symone was happy, she had a new look in her eyes, one that shouted love and happiness. A few weeks later it was her birth month october and once again the month of homecoming, she didnt wanna go to homecoming because it fell on her birthday, and I couldnt go to her birthday because I had to work so that monday which was a holiday I told symone I would take her out. The only thing was I had football practice that same day, but I was also a man of my word and once I promise something I never go back on it. So monday rolls around and like I said I take symone out, we go to stars and strikes. And we play laser tag shoot some hoops play a few games and bowl. She then gets hungry and we run to mcdonalds, her dad comes to pick us up around 4 or so and there goes the end to a perfect day. Tuesday comes and the coach why I wasn't at practice Yesterday I told him that my job called me and needed me, I don't know if he believed me or not but he sure did make me run after practice. Me and symone had our first of many fights a month or so into our relationship, and it was over madlaura. She had my Nike hoodie that I wanted back because I let her use It while we were in a relationship I guess you can call it. I had to go to her locker to get it so that basically meant I wouldnt see symone all day becuse I my nike hoodie and few other things in madlaura locker and since she wanted to be an asshole and make me wait for her to open her locker me and symone would not see each other for that whole day, I could imagine what symone was thinking. Me and symone would both have a whole day where we wouldnt talk to each other, it wasnt more or so a fight just a huge misunderstanding. Me and symone come up on our two month anniversary and it was the moment of truth for me, my longest relationship was two months and a few days so yea. For the anniversary I decided to decorate our locker with happy 2 month anniversary that I wrote in big bubble letters that was pre cut the night before. So after first period ends I run downstairs to the locker where symone was. I wanted to see her Reaction to when she opened the locker and saw what I did for her. She opened the locker took one look laughed and said your so gay. Pause. What!?. It literally took me about an hour and me risking to bring some sharp ass scissors to school to Do this I dont even get a thank you a hug or anything just a your so gay comment. I learn to control my anger or my slick comments to myself so I handed her her bookbag and walked off. I avoided her on purpose. She would finally come to me at the end of the day while I am in rotc class and talk to me. She apologized and asked me if I was ok I told her I was and she stayed for The rotc meetings. Then came November which was the month that me and symone would have our first sexual contact of any kind.

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