Chapter 13

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Lemonade days were the equivalent to a poorly put together carnival with outrageous ticket prices, white girls with no booty that wore booty shorts and legging, and a place where drug dealers walked in broke and left with over 500$ in cash. Yea it was crazy asf it was a 3 day thing friday after school catch everybody there and what not then Saturday all day cause the place didnt close until about 10 so yea and then sunday after church you had about 5 hours before the place closed until next year. I still had to get fitted for my prom tux so we went on a satruday, it was fun you know there were a lot of people that I knew a lot of rides and stuff. This was about the time I had just started to get over my feeling of hatred for her. We laughed and talked and took pictures it almost like last week didn't even happen and at one point we even held hands. It was weird but it felt right or at least for the moment, had to Remember I was single and she was single and ya know just mixed enotions. So the day ends and so does the weekend. And also at this point there is a Exactly one month left of school and prom was next week. So the following week was filled with joys and laughter and excitement. May 2nd the day of prom I wasn't as excited as the average junior should be but, I was ready because the day before I bought sone marijuana browines for me and symone taken that symone has never been high before I thought it would be a good first time for her. So we arrive at the park where we take pictures and me and my father are in the car and we wait for symone and her parents to show up as we sitting in the car me and my father talk about somethings ya know like life and what symone was to me. Keep in mind that we just broke up a little over two weeks ago and I was still not over the fact that she left me to go back to the same asshole who treated her so bad for so long, and when he asked me that I started to answer but symone and her parents pulled up so I guess thats another topic for another day. Symone her mom her dad and her sisters get out of the car and she looks beautiful in that purple dress with her hair did the way it was. She was covered in silver accessories that complimented her in every way. We take pictures and we laugh and we joke and what not, then after the pictures are taken I go back home to get my money and phone. Then my dad hands me 45$ dollars and the phone, so we arrive at symones house I get out and head straight for the bathroom where I eat two weed brownies and still have symones in my pocket then I Remember that I needed my school I'd to get into the prom. So symones sister runs me to the house real quick I grab my Id and we make our way to symones house where our ride awaits us, and also a night of feelings that never left.

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