Chapter 12

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5 months left of junior year and then the summer, I was so ready to get out of here like it wasn't even funny. Me and symone shared a locker almost all of high school and it was pretty convient you know. Nothing really happened in January or February except for the snow storm that shut down the whole city and stopped me and symone fron hanging out on Valentine's day, yea shit was crazy. But lets skip ahead to march, this is where things got a little interesting, you see symone and her boyfriend had been on and off for the longest so every time they "broke up" it wouldn't affect me cause they would get right back together again. But in march they somehow made it official like there was no more them well until thats what I thought. Spring break I had my sister come down here from our hometown of buffalo, me and Savannah were close asf we did shyt together and we kept each others secret. When Savannah came down here she let use her phone to talk to symone with so me and symone kiked and we snapchatted, these were two very popular apps, so one day I asked symone out and she said yes. The emotions that I felt that day was crazy words couldn't even describe I finally got the girl of dreams a girl I had been chasing all of high school and to make it all better we were going to junior prom together as a couple. I was literally on top of the world for about 3 days then I get told the worst thing ever. One day I was at my locker waiting For symone and I see her coming down the hall and I give her a hugg she then tells me that she has to tell me something, I wondered what it could be she looked me in my eyes and told me the unthinkable. She said that she couldn't date me anymore because she still had feelings for her ex. My heart literally froze and cracked to a million pieces but I couldn't show my emotions, so I kept a straight look on my face and said yea its cool. I then stormed off and so many words so many names came to mind I couldn't believe what the fuck she just told me like what!?!. The rest of my day was literally fucked up I couldn't get over how mad I was I went home mad and for the first time in a long time I felt the emotion of hatred, I hated her so much. When I got home I saw that I had a snapchat message from her telling me to get on kik so we could talk it out. Once I'm mad there is no talking just yelling and cussing a lot of cussing. So we are yelling and cussing at each other and she finally tells me that she is sorry and she'll talk to me later. My sister Savannah was there for my comfort she talked to me and was there for me by the end of the night I was happy again. That is until I got a message from symone saying "do you still wanna go to prom with me cause ashton asked me and I told him I was going with you" as much as I hated symone I didnt trust Ashton I knew he was gonna try something. I hated her but I couldn't let him take advantage of her so I told her I would still take her, I skipped school the next day to go to the zoo with my sister and family. It was fun I forgot all my problems and at one point forgot about symone, the next day at school I went to go buy our prom tickets they run out of freaking tickets my dude. But they said if we come back on monday at 7:30 we could buy our tickets they only 25 left, monday rolls around answer I ended up buying the tickets, it was settled May 2nd Prom me and her. This would be a night none of us would forget or in my case a night I wouldn't Remember.

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