Chapter 15

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"Hey dumbass" the text read and before I could even open my phone to the messaging app I already knew who it was, kaykay my best friend for two years. Me and kaykay dated the summer of 2013 while I was in new york for the summer she was the coolest person I could ever meet and it was crazy cause the last time me and kaykay talked was at a basketball game in like October, so it been some time since we last talked. She messaged me and I messaged her back as quick as I could kaykay had always beem there for me and I was relieved to know that she would continue to be there for me. Me and her talked all night and caught up and laughed and it was crazy because I could tell her anything and she would listen and actually respond she would talk back not just send two word messages but two paragraph messages replying, that night I was happy and I forgot what it felt like to be happy cause that whole day had just gone to hell. So I wake up the next morning july 25th my parents were gone for the week and I had money left over so I decided to go hang out with some friends out in sandy springs, my birthday was in 4 days my bestfriend once again left me my girlfriend didn't talk to me and marta was taking for ever, but all that was drowned out by the fact that kaykay still had my back my old squad in north springs had my back and I had the house to myseld for a whole week life was half and half at this point. As I sit on the marta bus I received a text message from what seemed to be my girlfriend but I did not answer right away I was too busy talking to kaykay and hanging out. I arrived in sandy springs around 11 o'clock and I was at the mall with my friend jordan me and jordan had been cool for almost 4 years now and we were basically the same person jordan was a pansexual stud she dated boys and girls, but a girlfriend at the time. So me and jordan is at the mall and we are sitting and talking and catching up because jordan attends school out in Savannah now and I still had a year of high school left. Tell jordan what's been going on and she laughs and says that everybody needs to just smoke a blunt and shut up I get up to give her a hugg and say "thank you damn it". Jordan was literally the female version of me she understood me and what I was talking about, so we continue to sit there and talk about whats been going on. Finally she says "look here its yo birth week ok your birthday is in 4 days alright, chill out". I look at her and thank her she buys me a game for my xbox and says consider it a early birthday present. I'm grateful. On the train ride home I get a call from my girlfriend and she starts yelling amd cussing so I hang up the phone and continue to listen to my music. I get home around 6 something I let the dogs out and I play my newly bought game still waiting on kaykay to text me back. July 27th two days before my birthday I'm sitting on my grand parents couch making plans withthe people I know I can trust the most, we plan to do stars and strikes and go to the movies afterwards. But then I Remember Jessica telling me that symones mom wants to take me out the night of my birthday for a birthday dinner, I needed to call symone and ask her but my pride wouldn't let me "she left you" is what kept playing over and over in my head. I really needed to find this out though, I swallow my pride and text symone just as I got done sending the message I Remember that I have symones mom number saved in my phone. Just before I can dial it I get a message from symone saying "oh so now your talking to me now". "symone I dont have time for this I messaged you because I need you to ask your mom something for me" I replied she said "fine" and Gave me the number which I already had that I could use to contact her mother. I called her mother to make sure that I was still being treated to dinner her mom said "why yes roro we will it will be later that night though" I replied with a thank you and hung up the phone. I then message symone saying "looks like I will be accompanying you guys on the night of my birthday" she then replied with a "great" I could tell she was still mad at me, so I left her alone that is until she messaged me back saying three words.......

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