Chapter 22

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Me and symone would go on to talk for hours on hours we found that, if anything were to happen that would make us break up or anything that this would be our last relationship. I say that because I just couldn't keep doing this, it was literally killing me and plus I didnt really want anybody but her. Symone was the eighth female that I ever dated, and I felt as if we would get somewhere far in life. Monday rolls a Round and its been three days since me and symone made it official, but Remember 3 DAYS!!!!!! To be honest I was kinda paranoid that whole day, but I couldn't let that stop me. As me and symone make our way down the stairs I Remember that we still haven't had our first official kiss, so i stop symone and tell her to kiss me. "Why" she says, "because, just because" she looks at me and we lean in and kiss. We finally did it, we had our first official spit swapping kiss it felt right, and on the real its something I've been waiting for to happen. As we open the doors that leas downstairs we have to seperate to go other ways we let our hands go and tell each other that we love one another. News about me and symone spread relatively quick, while she got praised and congratulated I on the other hand, was called a hoe, man whore, and slut. Now if I was a girl I would be angry irrelevant upset or whatever feeling that girls have at that moment. I laughed and brushed it off, and plus it was close friends who made this joke nothing serious. I was being called these names because once again I went from dating one girl to another girl in literally a 3 hour time span but they see it as a two day time span. But, like I said word got around quick, madi called me when she Got home asking about my recent actions and I told her. She did not take the news so well, she said and called me a lot of things. But I wasn't even paying attention I was two levels away from being a Brigadier general and two levels away from fifth prestige on call of duty. So I did what I always do to a female who likes to yell and cuss at me when I'm playing xbox. I put her on mute, I would rather her the annoying clicks of my controller than ghetto annoying clicks of a females tounge, that don't fly with me. She appearently didnt know she was on mute so after I leveled up I tool her of mute and she said "I hate you so much", I said "so does the devil cause I'm winning with God on my side". "I hope you burn in hell you incompetent asshole" she shouted back at me I laughed, they say not only is laughing the best medicine but its also the way to piss a black chick off when She's giving you the business. She would then continue to cuss at me and shit, and it sucked because I couldn't hang up the phone because my screen was completely Shot from me dropping it one day. So it got to the point where I pulled a kanye. "It be like that sometimes" thats what finally pissed her off and made her hang up the phone. I smiled and went to put in Madden My favorite game. And then I sat back and said ya know. Im dating symone, it was the best feeling in the world

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