Chapter 18

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Big box butterfly wrapped with blue and purple ribbons and the wrapping paper, my favorite childhood cartoon dragon ball z. I know who sent It that I do but my main question of concern how did they get it in the house, I'm not gonna lie I was a little bit scared that much is true but once I opened the box I knew it wasn't all bad. My landlord is the one who put the box in the house there was a note inside that "hello robert this box was to big for me leave outside tell little roland I said happy birthday". My landlord was asian his name was jin, but thats besides the point I after reading the letter it was a pair of new shoes 500$ and a new xbox controller with a few new games in it, also a card from my lovely mother. She knew what my favorite colors were and that dragon ball z was my favorite show as a kid, its crazy tho after all these years she still remembered the little things. I woke up the next morning water park ready with my towel my phone and my shorts symones sister came to pick me up we sat in the house for about thirty more minutes before we actually left. Me and symone and sat in the back like we usually do and she played on my phone while I listened to music. Its kinda like we were dating somewhat she asked to see my phone I would hand it over, then she would ask who is this femlae, for somebody who claim she wanted to just remain friends she sure did act more like a friend I tell ya. I enjoyed our time at the waterpark I had lots of fun and when I got symone alone we talked about our sudden but little kiss. I asked her if she felt our lips touch she looked down and told me no, I knew she was lying then I asked her if I could kiss her again she yes but only on her cheek I didnt argue with her I leaned in and kissed her for what seemed like an eternity. Her cheek was soft, I didn't know if it was because of the water or if she just had naturally smooth skin. I couldn't really tell if she blushed or not the water was in my eyes bad, like they started to burn but just before that happened I saw her crack a smile. Those vibes and chills I got from her back at the first rotc social I couldn't feel them anymore all I felt was love and happiness and the warmth from her smile. The day ended and I received a text message from a specific person whom I thought would never ever text me in a million years. Her name was jenae, her and symone have had an on and off kinda friendship. Symone and jenae got into a fight towards the last day of school, more like the last week and over the summer jenae was admittes to the hospital because of a brain tumor, I promised jenae that we would hang out over the summer and she said ok she would have to lemme know tho and I told her cool. Well iguess july 31st was that day, she was in desperate need of some time with a friend. I told her that we could go to the mall and hang our she said ok sounds like a plan. As I arrive at the mall I let jenae know that I am her she says to meet her at the water fountain near the entrance, so I sit and I wait as I await hee arrival she come uo from behind me and scares me a little. Me and her make are way to the shoe store and we catch up on life and I ask her how shes feeling, its been a month since shes been out of the hospital. She explains to me that she is feeling well and tells me about the tumor and the siezures. The more she talks the more bad I feel for her, she tells me that its nothing and she'll be ok so I take her word for it. As we leave the shoe store we sit down at a near by table. And the conversation that was about to be upon us, was a life changer.

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