Chapter 28

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"Hello" I answer in an angrily tone expecting symone to be on the other line. "The fuck is wrong with you" I recognized that voice from anywhere. "What could you possibly want" I ask her "Roland is that anyway to talk to the girl who gave you this reputation". "What could you possibly want Q, I don't have time for your games I have important matters to attend to" "fine just gimme 10 minutes I promise" she asks for in shaky voice "the clock is ticking" I tell her, as she starts talking symone kiks me saying she is about 30 minutes from home and she asked me what I was doing, so I told her that I was talking to Q. She sent me back oh. I could feel the negative energy from that text, like she was sad that I was talking to her, as I await for symone to get home the words that Q told me started to settle in my head and it made more sense. On why my attitude has been so shitty or why I have had a certain rush of anger in the past couple months. Then I receive a Kikuyu message from saying stating that she was home. And I called her with the intention to pray for her father and nothing else, I tell her what we are going to do and I tell her to repeat after me, she says ok. So she repeats after me and after we finish praying I tell her that she has to go be there for her father and let him know that she loves him dearly. She says ok, and after that I tell her that I will see her when I see her and ill talk to her when I talk to her, she says no Roland....don't say that. And I tell her well what else do you want me to say, we aren't suppose to be talking to each other. She says I know and she gets quiet, so I tell her for the next hour is gonna be honesty hour, we are gonna say the first thing that comes to our heart and we are gonna be honest about it. She agrees with me, so I start it off, I begin to tell her that I wasnt as heart broken as I shouldve been, like last time I was crying and shit but this time I was not at all affected, she asks me why and I tell her about My feelings being equivalent to an immune system and then we go to speak on the following events that happened a few days ago. And I tell her that I did that out of pure anger, that I didn't care for jenae, yes it woulve sucked if she caught fire cause then I would've went to jail and shit. But I'm not sorry for it, and I go on a rant for about 20-30 minutes. Then its her turn, she tells me that she kinda missed me she was basically listening to sad songs all day, and she tried to avoid it and stuff, and when the news of her father got to her she really needed me. I start to laugh cause when she said that it kinda reminded me of what Q told me, and then symone says that when I told her I was talking Q she said she thought I was replacing her or I was moving on from her. I told her that Q was talking to me about why ive been such an asshole. It came from a lack of communication in my past relationships, the fact that before I met symone my longest relationship was 2 months I never really had the chance to display my feelings, I had all these built emotions and when symone finally made me talk about my feelings and shit, I just took my anger out on the wrong people at the wrong time. Q also said she played a role In helping develop said anger problems, she also told me that I should try to reconnect with symone, but I had to Remember one thing Remember where I came from and if it wasn't for her that symone wouldn't know what true love is "fuck you bruh" I say "I love you too roro" she would go on to say. Then after that she told me how she would go back to being under the radar and would only hit my line if she needed something then she hung up the phone, Q was probably one of the realest bitches I've ever met. After I tell symone this, I feel better like a little bit less crazy. And later that night I would go on to get my girl back.

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