Chapter 20

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"Hey" was the unread message that I received while on the bus home. It just so happened to be one of my exes friends that she was close with. Her name was madlaura, she was haitian and her friends called her madi for short. She said that she kiked me because she and her friend wanted to meet new people before they entered high school. And I had nothing against I was a people person anyway. Me and Madi talked my whole way home and the more we talked the more of a connection we developed. She wanted me to come over so we could chill but, I really didn't want to. Its not that she didn't seem Like a cool person or anything but she was too young. A 17year old and a 14year old, just hanging out. Dude thats already statutory before I even walk out of the house and if we did do anything and got caught or if she decided to lie and say anything, I would get tried as an adult. But after multiple attempts of trying to male me come over I finally gave In, I walked to her house and we didn't do anything that would risk my freedom. And madlaura seemed like a cool person the age and looks of a freshman but the mind of a senior and her personality was on point. We have a couple days left before school starts and me and my stepmom. Decide to have a talk about my future and such and where I would be going. We finally decided that it would be in my best interest to go to the military, the air force specifically. It would help pay for my college and it would give me benefits. I told symone about the news and I dont know if she was serious or if she was just playing but she did not take that news so well. She was extremely sad it seemed like, I told her that I would only be gone for 4 years and thats it but, she wasn't trying to hear it. School starts back up a few days later, senior year my last year in high school and my last step before adulthood. It also seemed as if madi has grown very attached to me, she was claiming me as hers and nobody else's she would get mad when I hugged other women she hated that. She has grown to attached. As a senior my counselor told me I was missing half a credit and the only way for me tl receive that credit was to play Football, or any sport. Football I told her I would play football, she knew the coach and the coach knew me so I was ready. It was nice to see symone in the halls see my bestfriend finally happy and spunky, the day symone met madi I knew something was gonna happen, madi just so happened to follow me around school and when I saw symone madi was there. Symone was accompanied by jenae and our friend Leanne. They all greet me and look at madi with a puzzled look. Madi told them who she was, my "Girlfriend" it was then that I saw the anger in symones eye's. Leanne on the other hand who has had a crush on me for Sometime now she turned around and walked ofd mad as can be. Jenae on the other hand stood by symone and had that same devilish look in her eyes, it was easy to tell that these three were shocked at My recent choice for a girlfriend and as the warning bell rang for first period I walked off and madi followed, I could feel the stares like they were looking through my soul and I could hear the cussing and name calling, it would all just happen to bring the beginning to something new. It was a hot thursday afternoon football practice was rough and taking a toll on my body, jenae peeked around from the corner of the school building and she walked toward my way. I knew in my mind it couldn't have been good. She pulled me to the side and started to talk about how they were disgusted with My "girlfriend" and how symone felt about it. She also told me that she thinks we should stop being symones friend. Why I asked she said because symone has to much to deal with right now. And what jenae was going to tell me next would affect my high school life and regular life in the beautiful way possible.

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