Chapter 29

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Me and symone would go on to fix our problems, and she made me ask her back out again. This time we would wait to tell people the good news, so about sunday we would make the announcement omitted social media. Later that night I received a kik message from madi, who was leaving dunwoody to attend another high school. Back before we broke symone made me lose all contact information with her, because she didn't like or Trust her, but when we broke up I had unblocked madi from Everything symone made me block her from. Madi told me that she was moving and wanted hang out with me cause she heard I was single again. I told her I couldn't because once again I wasn't single but, since me and symone was still fixing things and what not, I was still obligated to a few things. When me and symone broke up all the deals,promises,and other things became null and void, so she would have to re-enstate all of said deals and promises. But, she hasn't so I free to talk to who I wanted when I wanted. I told madi that I couldn't hang out with her, but I did wish her the best of luck at her new school. Me and madi would continue to converse and keep in contact with one another until symone ran through my phone one day at the mall. She was suprised to see that me and madi still kept in touch she would also go on to message her from my phone asking why she still talked to me. Then she looked at me and said why are you still talking to her, and I told her straight up me and madi continued to keep in touch after you broke up with me. Symone didnt like that answer and she would storm off to catch up with her sisters but me, I kept it cool and waked at my pace. Symone would then turn around and grab my arm and hold my hand and walk with me to the car. I guess it was her way of saying she doesn't wanna fight and she loves me. So one day after school me and symone Skype and I asked her if she wanted me to keep talking to madi, She said no so I respected her word and stopped talking to madi. A few weeks go by and enter the month of April, april was that month that all of our prom plans had to be made april was the beginning of spring, and not to mention April was the last the month before The last month of school. Me and symone decide to wear fuchsia for our prom colors. Symone picked out a nice long big and beautiful prom dress, and she also picked out my prom tux it was all grey with a fuchsia tie. As april draws to a close I start to cherish each high school memory like it was my last, each joke, each A I got on a test, everything. Prom was on May 2nd which was a saturday like always, I get my hair cut that Friday, and pick up my tux that evening. Prom was that next day, and just like last year I couldn't go to a big party like that and be sober so I made some calls flipped some cash and made some trips, and I was able to pick up some weed crackers. Ya see last year I was able to Remember somethings ya know, but this year was a different story me symone and couple friends pull up to the scene and we hop out we take pictures snd stuff and me and Christian eat the weed crackers. We feel the buzz at the party and we start to act a little crazy, and after we took pictures we enter the ballroom were thr party was held. Me and symone take a couple photobooth pictures, once we step out of the photobooth there was a song that started playing and once the bass dropped, everything else was a blur. The next thing I know we end up ihop and symone and Her freind and Christian are all staring and laughing at me. They say it was a crazy night we went to stars and strikes and bowled and prom was unforgettable, and we even got our meals from ihop for free. Senior prom will always be the best memory I have never had, but I'm glad I could spend it with the one I love so much.

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