Chapter 8

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Symones birthday was October 11th so it was during the week, she had just turned 17 and like any other friend I told her happy birthday and gave her hugg. Hoping she had cooled off after last weeks little rage. But she seemed calm and collect so I thought to myself well I got my bestfriend back, boy did I jump the gun I would soon find out that the quiet stage is the deadliest stage. Me and destiny were going on 2 weeks of dating and everything was fine no fights no cheating no nothing, so lunch time rolls around and her sisters stop by the school with a big ass box of wings assorted flavor, and symone asked if I would accompany them I said yes and started to eat the bar-b-que flavored wings. Her sisters did not like her current boyfriend terrance, well to be honest nobody really liked terrance in the family there were days whe I thought symone didn't even really like Terrance, but that was none of my bussiness. So symone and I are sitting there Eating wings and talking and one of her sisters leans over and says "y'all are so cute, when is this going to become offical" before I can even start to put words together in my head symone harshly replied with a "never he has a girlfriend". "Never say never" I thought to myself, and the same look of suprise that went across symones face the day I told her I had a girlfriend came across both of her sisters faces. They looked shocked like they had just seen a ghost so they start asking me all these questions like her name, her age, what grade she in, where she from. And as I'm answering these questions back to back I see symone turn Her head and whisper something to her sisters, then one sister asked me "What's her favorite color". I laugh as I tell them blue and grey symone turns around and with obvious attitude she said "oh so now you know her favorite color", I said I told you I would learn It just for you. She's turns her head around in digust and tells her sisters something I pay it no attention I get up and go chat with a few of my fellow classmates about nonsense and bullshit. The lunch bell rings and once again we are back in third period learning and tryna figure out what has happened to symone. A couple days go by and me and destiny are still on good terms but me and symone I feel as if we Are falling off, was it something I said or did?, I don't know. Its a Wednesday or better yet "That Day", we are in our rotc shirts and me and symone have a new friend that comes to sit with us at our table her name is Jay. Its not really jay but for legal reasons we'll just call her Jay. So symone jay and I we are all sitting at the table talking and laughing, at the split second I Remember that I have to buy my girlfriend a powerade since I drunk hers this morning. So I buy two powerades and a bag of chips. Symone asked "why two powerades". "One for me and the other for my girl" I replied and next thing I know I hear symone say under her breath "why she doesnt deserve anything". Within split second the calm cool waters kinda guy I normally was, had disappeared and replied with an instant "what the fuck did you just say". She sat there and didn't say a word, so I Sit there with an attitude all over my face ready to knock her ass out, but I dont I just open my chips and eat them then I hear symone ask "lemme get a chip" no hesitation I balled the bag up and threw it at her got up from My seat and walked to class it obvious that attitude was my the language my body was speaking. I walked into class and sat down the teacher said "oh so you and symone got tired of us picking on yall so yall split up so yall wont be seen" and then laughs as soon as she laughs symone walks in and I say "no cause she ignorant" the laughs stop and symone smiles and replies "I have no idea what he's talking about" so for about 5 minutes it me and her going back and forth calling each Other ignorant and raising our voices to higher levels the teachers couldn't believe it so one teacher pulls me to the side outside and talks to me about whats happening so I tell her and she calms me down. As shes talking to me I start to figure out why She's been acting like that.....maybe I wasnt the goofy teenager who thought to much, but the goofy teenager who didnt think enough

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