Chapter 30

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We graduate this week, and to keep us in high spirits dunwoody would go to give the seniors the best senior week there was. Me and symone would go on to have our first sexual encounter on monday, her mom left and her sister was at work so me and symone would be alone at home answer neither one of us wanted to have second thoughts. So we took advantage of the opportunity that presented itself. Then on. Wednesday my mom would make her way down here to watch her oldest son graduate, it would've been a year since I saw my Mom and great grandmother and I couldn't believe that they made it all the way down here to watch me walk across the stage. Thursday was here and tensions was high as they called our names one by one it got to be a heart warming experience. They called symones name and I stood up and clapped for her and then screamed I love you so that everybody would know that she is and will always be mine. They call my name and I felt like those 12 years of school was finally over, and the last two were the best ones ever. After the whole ceremony me and symone took pictures with our families, symones mom wanted one of us so as I put my arm around her and smile, I thought to myself......This is forever.

The End

This Is ForeverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora