Four - Theo

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"Smiling won't kill you yah know?"

"Seriously Jasper, you can take an evening off you know?" I looked at him out of the corner of my eyes. These damn things made me so uncomfortable as it was. So many people shouting instructions at me, cameras flashing like they're trying to land a stray plane.

"I could, but then who'd remind you about the label trying to sort out this shit rep you've made yourself and you're not biting. Smile. At least act like you're friendly tonight." We were ushered on a little further, stopping 10 feet further down for more photos. Seriously what was the problem with one photographer getting multiple photos and selling them off? Why did it need to be 100 different paparazzi? "Just smile for the interviews man." He sighed, pushing me forward towards the handful of people holding out mics.

I honestly don't even know how I ended up here. I just wanted to make music. The fame side of it wasn't what I signed up for. I know it comes along with it. The cameras, the red carpets, the award shows. I know. But I wasn't made for it. I hate new people. If I could go the rest of my life never speaking to people who didn't know my favourite colour, pie flavor or birthday, I'd die happy.

The thing I hate most about these interviews is they're so unnecessary. Just asking what designer I'm wearing, what I ate for breakfast this morning. Stuff that didn't matter. And Veronica always got brought up which fucking sucks. Always asking if we speak, are we on good terms. Digging for gossip I'd never give out. Always the same response. 'I hear she's good, I hope she's doing good, we ended on good terms and it's just one of those things. But I wish her the best.' I didn't. The bitch could rot in hell as far as I cared. But that's what the label said I had to say, so say it I did. Laced in sugar and honey like she wasn't railing my two best friends in my bed. Give a woman the world and it's still not good enough.

"No way." Jasper whispered beside me as we stepped up towards the entrance to the giant hall tonight's Grammy's was being held in. His hands came up, pointing dramatically down the carpet. I followed his indicator. "It's garage girl."

"What do you mean garage girl?"

"The girl I was talking to on our drive back from London the other week, when you went on that rant- Oh this is hilarious." Jasper waved at the brown haired, doe eyed stunner. Flashing her perfect teeth in a huge smile, she waved back. "She's with the girl you were ranting about. I was talking to her whilst you were getting jealous of her friend." Jasper snickered, pushing me forward before sauntering down towards them.

"Jasper, you can't just-" For fucks sake. He was already out of earshot. My eyes followed him across the carpet and I refused to move. I'm not walking down to retrieve some 13 year old minded boy. He could come to me. I watched as the girl laughed, looking over his shoulder and giving me a little wave before looking back at him. Her thumb motioned over her shoulder to the blonde haired girl standing a few feet behind her, cameras flashing as she moved in her dress.

I was officially in the same room as Morgan Branning. And the only thing I could think of was, fuck those pictures don't do her justice. I can feel her sunshine from here, literally radiating from her as she has everyone in the rooms full attention. People mid interview are looking over their heads and as she approaches Jasper and his new friend, I'm shitting on myself for not being there with him.

A fuck tonne of research had almost completely eliminated the slither of hate I had for the girl. All the thoughts I'd had about her dissipating when I found them all to be wrong. She documents everything online. Highlights of studio session running up until 2am, her editing her own work, writing back stage before a show with a caption of 'the work never stops'. She put the work in. And being in her presence now, I got it. I got her rise, I got how she did it. It was just her. It was captivating. I turned on my heels, heading into the venue and deciding that staring at some girl 3 years younger than me probably didn't look the greatest and I needed a drink. I was escorted over to my table, pointed to my seat and they took my drink order as I sat down.

The room was filling up slowly and I decided to turn my attention to my phone, reading the texts from my parents and other family members watching from home. All of them saying the same things Jasper did. To smile more, look more approachable. That I seemed cold. I didn't know what else to do. It didn't feel natural for me to smile at people I didn't know.

I don't see why this supposed image problem is an issue anyway. I was still selling albums, still selling tickets. I was still making everyone money. I was living a comfortable life. Anymore would be a little excessive. I just wanted to do the music thing and go home with a pay check. Everything else wasn't important to me.

"Oi." The leg of my chair shook and I looked up. "Play. Nice." I scowled at him. "Ladies, this is Theo. Theo, Avalon Garcia and Morgan Branning." Morgan's hand darted out towards me. I looked at Jasper whose glare could literally kill someone, forcing me to shake her hand with a smile. Calloused fingers barely reached the other side of my hand.

"Nice to meet you Theo. I love your music." She's heard my music? The attendee pointed to their seats and, much to my surprise, she just so happened to be sat next to me tonight. She pulled the chair out, quickly sitting down and turning to face me. Baby blue eyes that would bring any man to his knees.

"Thanks." My voice croaked a little and I cleared it, trying to shift whatever the hell that was. "I like yours too."

"Really?" Her head tilted slightly, soft curls falling away from her neck. "You've heard it?"

"Who hasn't?" She giggled, turning to her friend and slapping her arm quickly.

"Noah's gonna shit a brick. Theo fucking Wright's heard my music." Her cheeks tinted with a shade of red as Avalon swatted her away, returning to her conversation with Jasper. I don't think your boyfriend would be too happy to know 'Theo fucking wright' has a crush on his girl Morgan. 

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