Eleven - Morgan

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My pen.

My favourite writing pen.

He just snatched it out of my hand and THREW it across the beach like it was a fucking pebble. They're so hard to find too.

Why does he have to be so irritating? And Ava just fucked off and left me with him. It's not like I can just leave now either. I'd get lost or kidnapped. Used for ransom. I'm trying to be happy for Ava, she very clearly has a connection with Jasper. She practically hasn't stopped talking about her mystery garage guy since she met him and didn't get his number.

Apparently them laughing over the name of packets of crisps meant they now had an unbreakable bond. Bless that girl and her naïve heart. I had no doubt this was a quick fling that would be over before we knew it and every time we bump into each other was going to be awkward. I'm just glad it would only be a few times a year at award shows. Tomorrow was our last day here and this thing we had between these 2 boys would ultimately disappear when we all returned to our crazy reality. Maybe I'd be able to write in peace then, without my pen being stolen.

"What are you girls supposed to be doing today then?" Smooth like butter, Theo's voice broke my agitated thoughts. I laid back into the sand, pulling his hat over my face so the sun wasn't blinding me through closed eyes.

"We were just going to see where the day takes us but I have a feeling the day has taken her right back to bed." He laughed. "So, I guess that means I'm exploring LA alone. Gotta find a new pen."



"No. Weird."


"I thought I disappeared for a second but no, I'm still here."

"You are not making any sense Wright."

"Well, in case you missed it Morgan, your best friend ran off with mine which also leaves me alone to explore LA and I did just promise to buy you an ice cream if you stopped pouting."

"I can buy my own ice cream."

"Yeah but I said I'd buy-"

"You're not buying me an ice cream Theo." I wanted to make that explicitly clear. Why? I don't know. I just did. I hate people buying things for me in general. Even now, with Ava or Noah. I refuse to let them pay for anything. I don't know why. It just made me feel uneasy, like I owed people something and I really really hate that feeling. Like a rock in my stomach.

I could feel him staring at the side of my face and I suddenly felt beyond awkward. Like I shouldn't be here at all. With him, or in LA and that rock was growing. I felt sick. Deep breath Morgan.

"What you thinking?" I sniffed, turning my head and forcing a smile to my face, taking his hat and landing it back on his head. I shouldn't have taken it in the first place.

"About my damn pen. Do you know how long it took me to find the perfect pen that didn't hurt my fingers when I'm writing for hours, has the right nib size, and doesn't flood ink or leak in pockets?"

"That good?"

"Look at this." I threw my book at him. "Look at that pen work and tell me it's not a flawless pen." He flicked the pages and I instantly regretted my decision to throw it at him. Come on Morgan, this guy doesn't need to read your half assed songs. "I didn't say read them." I snatched it back, pulling my cover up over my arms as a cool breeze hit my skin and Theo chuckled.

"Come on then."


"You're going to come to the beach and not at least go in the water? Not on my watch. Come on." He stood up, holding his hand out for me and I looked at him, tilting my head. "I'm not going to bite Morgan."

"I never said you were going to."

"Then stop looking at me like I am. If you're going to write a song about 'Summer Feelings' You need to actually feel them, right?" I continued to stare. "You've got today and tomorrow and I bet any money that those 2 aren't going to appear form the room for the next 2 days. So, looks like you're stuck with me. I'm not letting you write our song based on imaginary feelings so come on. Get your ass up. Let's go paddle Grumpy."

"I am not grumpy." I stood up, dusting myself off and following him down to the shoreline.

"Sure, you're not. You just need to relax."

"I am relaxed!"

"No, you're not." I pulled my sunglasses over my eyes as I stopped walking. Warm water washing over my feet gently. "I may not know you Morgan, but I have sisters. I can see when a girl is stressed and over thinking. Now unlike them, I'm not going to make you tell me because I get that it's your business or whatever. But, I'm not going to let you do it whilst we're working on this song."

"You know you're annoying right?"

"You've said." He nodded. "What's your biggest regret?"


"20 questions. Play along. Biggest regret."

"Um. I guess not doing the performance last night."

"Wait? You were asked to perform?" I nodded, pressing my lips tightly together with a sigh. "That's huge! Why did you say no?"

"I don't know. It was my first you know? I guess I just wanted to be in the moment without worrying about the performance, If I did well enough, if I messed up a dance or anything." I walked past him, trying to encourage us to keep moving and not focus on it. "You can't tell Ava or Noah that though."

"That you were worried-"

"About me being offered it. They'd go ballistic at me for turning it down. Okay your turn. If you had to date an animal, which animal and why?"

"Did you just ask what animal I would date?"

"Yep. Go."

Head in the cloudsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora