Eighteen - Theo

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I checked the time again. Still no call from Morgan and from when she stopped texting 5 hours ago, I knew she had to have something. Ava was still texting Jasper judging by his face and how he was still stood on the edge of the jump, skateboard propped up under his free hand. So, I tried again, worried I was starting to look a little desperate for her attention but honestly, I just needed to know she hadn't actually jumped out of the car window or killed her friend and was disposing of the body.

You need to reply if you need an alibi



Just like the other 4 over the past 3 hours.


"Hm? What?" His head snapped up quickly like he was doing something he shouldn't be.

"You talking to Ava?"


"Face time her. Morgan's not replying and I'm worried she's killed someone like she was threatening earlier." He smirked, tapping quickly on his phone as I walked over. "Stop smirking."

"Why? Because you know I'm right without me needing to say a word?"

"Friends. I'm not going over this again."

"You can keep saying friends as much as you please Theo. Doesn't mean nothing's going on between you two."

"Nothing is going on. Just fucking call her Jasper."

"Yeah, yeah." He went a little quiet as it rung, smiling brighter as soon as she answered. "Hey beautiful."

"What do you want? I was just heading to bed. I'm jetlagged to hell." I reached over taking his phone off him. "Theo."

"Hi Ava. Have you spoken to Morgan?"

"Ever? Way too much," Her eyebrow raised on her forehead. "Why?"

"Because she's not texting back and the last message I got was that she wanted to murder you and Noah and that she could pull it off really." Ava smirked. "Just need to work out if she needed an alibi or something."

"Mhm." The background spun around her. "She's in her little studio. Will you feel better if I get her for you?"

"Yes." She nodded, same sly grin that Jasper had on his face. Honestly, these two were a match made in fucking heaven. They were the same person.

"Hold on then." The house behind the phone was a little loud, lads talking as Ava left the room and as the camera moved, I could see them all hanging around a kitchen counter, beer bottles splayed everywhere. It's stupid that I felt a little jealous that those guys were in the house with her and I was half way across the world. So stupid. Ava climbed down some stairs and flicked a button, rolling her eyes. "Don't speak, she'll go ape shit." I nodded and hit mute just to be on the safe side.

"I ain't sitting here whilst you talk to your girlfriend. Shout me when I can have Ava back."

"Might keep her occupied permanently. Steal her from you."

"No. That's not fair. You can't just get any girl Theo." He looked genuinely scared I'd take Ava. He was hooked on this girl in a way I never thought I'd see Jasper be. All he spoke about right now was her and whatever she was saying. I bet Ava could get him to do anything if she asked nice enough.

"I'm not gonna steal Ava Jas. I'm joking. Go skate." I looked back at the phone as Ava sat down on what I'm guessing is a sofa in this little room, Person in a hoodie sat at a desk, completely lost in whatever they were doing.

"2 secs V. I'm nearly there." Is it possible to miss someone's voice this much after 24 hours? Apparently so. Ava flipped the camera and rolled her eyes at me before turning it around again. After the longest 2 seconds of my life, her hood came down, messy bun piled on top of her head and off came the head phones. "Yup?"

"Phone call for you."

"For me?" She turned her head back to Ava and raised an eyebrow.

"Here." Ava stood up and handed her the phone and I unmuted.

"So, you haven't been arrested for murder yet?"

"Oh shit, I was supposed to call you. Sorry. I did the backing track and stuff and then I just started working on something else and I- Oh shit is that the time?" I chuckled. "I'll call you on my phone." She turned to Ava and the call ended. Friends Theo. Just friends. No matter how much she gets your heart going. You're just friends. Nothing more is going to come from it. You go on tour in like a month anyway and she'll probably be planning hers as you get back. What kind of relationship would that be when your both constantly in different time zones?

I waved at Jas as he came past, handing him his phone in one smooth motion he was very proud of then took my earphones from my pocket, connecting them to my phone as her face time came in. I swiped answer, instantly feeling more relaxed now she was on my screen. It wasn't where I wanted her but it'd have to do. I wanted her at home, in my bed, preferably in my clothes. Hair a mess, breathing heavy, rosy cheeked. Fuck. Stop Theo.

"Hey Morgs." She shot me a soft smile.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, you were in the zone. I was just thinking you might need an alibi and what I could make up for you." She chuckled, setting her phone down on the desk, propped up on something as she pulled the hoodie over her knees and pulled the hood back up. "You okay? Looking a little tired."

"Exhausted but the later I stay up the better. Plus, the guys are still upstairs which means they'll need a responsible adult to put them in their Uber's later."

"The guys?" I asked, acting like I didn't already see all the men shirtless in her kitchen. Noah being one of them. Another shock of jealousy hit my spine and my immediate thought went to if any of those guys were the reason I couldn't have her. If it was one of them that screwed her view on relationships not being worth it.

"Noah's football guys. They hang out here after a game, get flat out wasted. Me and Ava are usually with them but we're both so close to passing out I think one shot and I'd be curled up under one of their shirts again." Again? Skip over it Theo. I laughed a little. "Okay, got your earphones in? I'll show you what I've got so far." 

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