♥︎ - movie night

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♡ - probably a rom-com
♡ - he wanted to watch a rom-com cuz he thought it be cute
♡ - also wanted to see your reaction to cringey scenes
♡ - you both ended up enjoying the movie though
♡ - "that was so cute wasn't it?"
♡ - "yeah, but that one scene was disgusting!"

♡ - thriller movie
♡ - was going to watch a horror movie, but said he wanted to watch smth else
♡ - it was very interesting, so y'all barely moved for like 2 hours 😭
♡ - you guys also didn't really say much except a "wow" at the same time when the movie ended
♡ - "let's watch that again sometime"

♡ - horror movie
♡ - if you got scared, you would cuddle him/hold on to him and he would be so happy
♡ - if you didn't get scared he'd still ask you for cuddles
♡ - at jumpscares he would hold you tighter
♡ - kinda couldn't fully focus because of you (in a good way)
♡ - "that was actually a good movie"
♡ - " yeah it was, i think"

♡ - either drama or romance
♡ - he was really interested in the movie
♡ - when a cute scene popped up you asked him a question
♡ - "why didn't you ever do that for me?"
♡ - it was a joke but he responsed with,
♡ - "ill take you out tomorrow and do smth better than that then!"

♡ - action movie
♡ - you guys were stocked up on the best snacks, pillows, and blankets
♡ - the movie was really entertaining, and it made you laugh hearing jisungs random jokes
♡ - you both fell asleep cuddling on the couch
♡ - "did we fall asleep?"
♡ - "idc i was having a good dream"

♡ - comedy or action
♡ - idk he just really wanted to watch a movie with you
♡ - says that one of the characters really reminds him of you
♡ - you're a bit offended at first but then you see the similarlies
♡ - "see, i told you!"
♡ - "whatever."

♡ - you guys probably settled on a crime kinda movie (so basically thriller) bc y'all thought it was interesting
♡ - you guys tried to figure out who murder the man and shared your guesses
♡ - it was really interesting and you guys felt like detectives
♡ - "yes! I knew it was him!"
♡ - "hey, i said it was him first!"

♡ - rom-com or thriller
♡ - idk i could kinda see him watching both
♡ - but let's say y'all picked the rom-com for this scenario
♡ - you both cringed, like at every scene
♡ - you both also felt immediate regret
♡ - "at least we don't act that disgusting"
♡ - "agreed"

i just needed to post smth for y'all
thanks for almost 70 reads :) <333

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