chapter 3, Arriving to Earth.

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Intercom: We are almost to Earth, everyone! Prepare to drop! And good luck at your Outpost military camps. And the soldiers who are left, we are going to back up north central base.

Divine she wakes up. Look at her hologram screen she almost to Earth, and her message has been delivered.

Divine: gets up and enters her bathroom, and washed her face. Brushed her teeth. Washed her hair.

Divine: Open herbs can pull out green leaf rub on forehead and hands for small cuts, turn off water.

Leaves bathroom.

Knocking came from the door!

Soldier, we are arriving shortly to get your stuff packed and carry your weapons openly freely since we're walking there on foot.

Divine: Yes, Sir! I understood. Great.

Open suitcase, grab the ring, and tie it with metal string around my neck.

Closes the case. And opened sword case, pulled out the sword, and added to belt on the side.

Divine: Open weapon case pull out futuristic Rifle with scope. And put on Laser dot.

Closes case put into suitcase with other suitcases. And stuffed into backpack. Puts it on.

Divine open the door and walk to exit door and standing with few officers and soldiers there is only 64.

Divine pick up glider from bar.

Officers, why did you bring that,

Divine because it seems helpful in a way.

Officers, it seems pointless, actually, but knock yourself out.

The doors open to Earth, military base north.

Divine asks, "Officer, is the backup unit base?"

Officer Shawn: Yes, don't worry, it's ran out manpower due to increased attacks from the new batch aliens spotted near this base actually, I reviewed the alert message I got from commander in charge here.

So don't sweat about you in the wrong place. The south is full.

And we had you switch with us. After all the best soldier is you, we kinda need you to help us out.

Divine: Oh, alright. What you guys don't know to fire a gun like these before? The advanced rifle made from Mars.

Alien spotter: looking at new human spaceship, report this to Zay immediately they got more Power. Alien leaves 🍃 immediately through the ground.

Officer Dawn: Stay Alert Ladies! I thought I felt a Watcher!

Officer Shawn: a Watcher in like Alien? But how is far from their base impossible. They never pass the valley of death.

Officer dawn: mhm, I don't think it was human. Human breathing is different, and their movements are different.

Divine, how would you tell if it wasn't what we were thinking.

Soldier Flaris: Yeah, could be a dying soldier?

Officer dawn: dying soldier doesn't sound like that. It is more like grunts sound. That sound was a bit different, like it was moving underground with a huge worm.

Divine: How is it until we make it to the base?

Officer Hans: it's be like 1 more miles from the spaceship. We just have to stay alert at all times.

Divine & random soldiers aw Man, we want to be safe at base and watching over it.

Divine: scan the area with her eyes, and stop walking. Signal the officers.

Ground starting to shake.

Officer Dawn, what is it? Do you see something?

Divine: we have to move now their is an earthquake coming.

Officer Dawn, oh Shit! Everyone runs like hell to Spotlight from the military base.

Divine pick-up pace to running from cracks in the ground.

Officers & other soldiers left him to die.

Officer Shawn fell in between cracks


Divine turns around, and grab his hand pulls him up. Come on, we are taking a shortcut to Death Valley. It's the only way.

Officer Shawn: god bless your soul, I follow your lead. Let's hurry up it then.

Divine & Shawn running through Death Valley.

Earthquake begins to stop.

Officer Shawn, how did you know about the shortcut through Death Valley?

Divine it's was thanks to my hologram Map that given to me from my mother she is military official general.

Officer Shawn : Well, thanks, so how long are we gonna to walk for.

Divine until we get to base, hurry up. We are being watched by those aliens from top of valley. They are not even shooting at us it's strange.

Officer Shawn, maybe because they're know it is Death Valley for a reason. It is full of those untold stories of monsters.

Divine: pull out a sword. Slash into the dark and hit Alien in face.

Officer Shawn, how did you know it was there.

Divine I didn't, I just swung my sword.

Officer Shawn: Look at it, beautiful blue Alien male with water hair?

Divine: I hope you are writing that down in your mind. Keep walking towards the exit of Valley.

Officer Shawn, you sound like an officer. Hey, we should be friends.

Divine : we are most there. And yes, we can be friends. Just please be quiet. im scanning the area.

Officer Shawn, im sorry, just millions of cuts on my hand. The blood loss is hurting me.

Divine, you should have said something that you are injured.

Open military emergency kit, grab bandages, and tiny nano machine. Put into the blood. Try not to scream or screw with your hand, warp bandages around Shawn hand, as nano machine fixes his hand from inside.

Officer Shawn passed out. Fall on the ground

Divine: idiot! Grab one his arm, pull him up, and carry him to the military base.

Medic Soldier ran out of base. Is he hurt?

Divine: he hurt his hand and lost blood. I don't know how much. But I put nano machine into his blood stream, he should be fine in the day. I hope. He had a hole in his hand. The nano machine is slowly fixing it.

Medic soldier takes him off her. Thanks for the small help. Let's go to medical tent.

Divine follows medic soldier. And sit by his bed, he such idiot. "Sigh." You are an officer. You weren't prepared for earthquake. Every military academy knows the proper rules of evaded Earthquake.

Medic soldier: It seems you care about him.

Divine, im his friend, I hope he knows that when he wakes up. And also you may call me Divine Mr Shawn.

Divine gets up and leaves tent.

Divine walks to the commander. Hello, sir! I'm one of your new soldiers, you assigned to your base.

Commander Thomas. Hello! Welcome to sweet home finally, I saw that you carried a soldier back. Good job.

And it's seem we need lot of repairs here to will you lend a hand soldier?

Divine: Yes Sir!

Thomas: good, you are dismissed soldier!

Divine leaves for workshop equipment to repair the base.

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